Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
7 September, 22:50;
simbsc, deutschland
bitte bleiben!
7 September, 22:50;
Daniel J, Czech Republic
Kašly na to prachu maš dost!!!Alonso taky chce vyhrat!!!
7 September, 22:49;
Michael, Germany
Michael, man sollte aufhören wenn es am Schönsten ist - ich denke das der richtige Zeitpunkt gekommen ist. Höre jetzt - auf dem Zenit deines Erfolges- auf, auch wenn es für die Fans nicht schön ist. Das was Du erreicht hast kann Dir keiner mehr nehmen und wahrscheinlich auch niemals überbieten.Lass Dich und deine Erfolge nicht verheizen, auch wenn es weh tun mag - time to go
7 September, 22:49;
Lukáš Koutný, Czech republic
Pleas, Stay
7 September, 22:49;
7 September, 22:49;
Sergio, UK
DEAR MICHAEL,You have given me and a few millions of Italians and Ferrari fans the best and longest dream we could have possibly had. Throughout your Ferrari career You had my whole support, no matter how controversial the situation I know you have always put youself and your life on the line for Ferrari and F1 Racing. You have given us back so much pride, glory and joy that I cannot ask you to stay on a minute longer than you wish to. We'll love you forever, no matter what. Sergio UK
7 September, 22:49;
Spyder, Spain
Please, Michael don´t leave Formula 1. We drive the Ferrari with you.
7 September, 22:49;
pedros vavrosos, cz
7 September, 22:49;
Langi, Germany
hey schumidu darfst nicht aufhören... bitte mach weiter
7 September, 22:48;
dejv, czech
čus miichale hele zustan aspon te mmuze alonso dalsi rok mit za prdel
7 September, 22:48;
Tomáš Titz, Czech Republic
Ještě není pro Red Barona čas odejít!!!
7 September, 22:48;
frazer, germany
7 September, 22:48;
dj, england
michael schumacher is the king of f1 and f1 will be not be the same without you so please stay if you like f1
7 September, 22:48;
Vocky, Germany
Formel 1 ohne Schumi, ist wie ein Hafen ohne Schiffe. Also: Weitermachen ;-)
7 September, 22:48;
с1 мая 1994 года ты радовал меня своим присутствием в Ф1! столько лет я боялся этого момента!!! но.... ТЫ ЗАСЛУЖИЛ ЛЮБОВЬ СВОИХ ФАНОВ!!! Я ВСЕЖЕ НАДЕЮСЬ ЧТО ТЫ ОСТАНЕШСЯ!!!!
7 September, 22:48;
Radim Travnicek, CZ
Hi Michael, please dont stop. Stay for one year longer. You can be a weltmeister again, you know it! Go on and became a world champion AGAIN!!! YOU ARE THE BEST ONE!!!!!!
7 September, 22:48;
Milan, Czech Republik
Michael, please stay in F1...
7 September, 22:47;
Martin Fuchs, Switzerland
Hallo Michael,ich bin ein grosser Fan von Dir! Bitte bleib in der Formel eins! Liebe Grüsse, Martin
7 September, 22:47;
Avi, USA
Whatever you decide on..thank you for the memories.
7 September, 22:47;
Toni, England
Michael,Surely you'd want to win over 100 gran prix and get 10 world drives championnship under your belt before retiring. Ferrari needs you and we need you to keep riding the leaping horse. You are a living legend we will never forget, as an italian living in the UK I have dreamed and cried with joy at the glory that you have brought to all 60 millions italians living across the whole world. Stay and delight us more, you can never be tired of winning.
7 September, 22:47;
Matthias Ziegler, Germany
Bleib, Schummy, bleib!!!!!Dont go, Schummy... Sunday wont be the same without u on the top!!!
7 September, 22:47;
schumi ```i love you `````as long as you're happy``` don't leave us``` please don't```
7 September, 22:47;
dan panciu, romania
You decide , but F1 will not be the same without you. I think scuderia Ferrari should make all it,s possible to keep you as her driver .Good luck to Monza .
7 September, 22:47;
BERRY, Prague, CZ
Michael, you are the F1!!! Stay there or F1 will die!
7 September, 22:47;
dj gogos, greece
Please STAY
7 September, 22:47;
Pavel Novák, czech republic,prague
michale byl si můj favorit a taky zůstaneš jezdi dál aspon jednu sezonu tomu ješte dej
7 September, 22:47;
Martin, Czech Republic
Michael you are the best!!!Please now one year in teh Formula 1
7 September, 22:46;
HI SCHUMiTHIS ME AHMED FROM ALEXANDRIA DI EGITTO, SIMPLY I`D JUST WANNA SAY , THAT COZ OF U I STARTED TO LOVE THE F1, AND I CANT JUST THINK THAT I BACK HOME N SUNDAY AFTERNON WIZOUT HEAR UR NAME N Z START GIRD,PLZ THINK ABOUT IT, EVEN I CANT FIND RESON TO QUIT NOW, U STILL HAVE MORE TO GIVE. WE SURE ABOUT IT, REMBER WAT mohamed ali said when he retired in 1979 as heavyweight champion of the world:There's nobody in the world like me. I'm getting out just in time One year later, The Greatest was back in the ring -- shattered and humiliated as Larry Holmes reduced him to a battered wreck. wish to let my son see u he`s 2 year now good luck schumi
7 September, 22:46;
yxo, Russia
Let's rock 2007!
7 September, 22:46;
fifinka, Czech Republic
Míšo už jdi do důchodu
7 September, 22:46;
steve, UK
good luck either way
7 September, 22:46;
Mark F1, czech republic
Stay Michael. I am not your fan, but I respect what did you achieved. IMO you are still good and your time hadnt come yet. And main reason why you should stay is: "I want Kimi stay in McLaren, so I hope when you stay, he would´t come to make you nr. 2". Yeah I am big Kimi fan, and McLaren too... SO MICHAEL PLEASE STAY ONE MORE YEAR OR TWO... YOU CAN FIGHT FOR MORE TITLES
7 September, 22:46;
Cian, Ireland
Michael, ave followed you ever since day one, through winning, losing and everything else thats happened, Your the best the that will ever be and despite what people may say think or do you will always be the best racing driver ever. Its already in the history books.Am sure ther presure from the world press and public is immense for you to go out on a high but if you still lov e racing and its still in your heart then please stay on for as along as you can, your a living legend man rock and race on!!
7 September, 22:46;
Patrick Blanchet, Canada
You are the best driver I've ever seen and you are a source of inspiration for me. Seeing a man with your winning attitude and perseverance can only prove to everybody on the planet that there will be only one 8th World Champion and it will be YOU ! Please maek us the gift to be unpatient to be sunday after sunday to see you in the Scuderia car to be there and win races !!! With the tire changes next year, the Scuderia will be more powerful again and Renault won't be where they are this year. What will be the F1 without you ?? If you want to retire and enjoy a more relaxed with your family, I'll hope that your enjoy it but please by assured that I will miss you a lot, because looking at the F1 will never be the same without. I was lucky enough to see all the precedent years seeing going with the Scuderia and briging this one to the top for 7 year and I hope for an 8th this year. With all my respect to you, please stay with us another year. Danke und gutes Glück!
7 September, 22:46;
macmend, Spechbach
...es wird Zeit ...dass du endlich aufhörst ...deine Gier nach Siegen ...ist wie der Kanibale Eddy Merx im Radsport.
7 September, 22:46;
Willi Weber, Germany
Schumi, verpiss dich, niemand vermisst dich. Wer immer nur bescheissen kann, den braucht der sport nicht
7 September, 22:46;
Kasim, United States
Schumi! Come on, you've got to stay! I don't want Raikkonen to take your place! Go for ten championships! I have always been your fan since I was small, please stay for another few years.
7 September, 22:46;
Ali, Pakistan
MICHAEL. a few years ago a banner in Monaco read, "Schumi, look above you because the only thing higher than you is God." I would go one step further and say YOU ARE GOD, a force of nature exempt from twilight. Please stay on and gladden us like you've done for 16 years!
7 September, 22:46;
Petr Stepan, Czech republic
Schumi-king F1! You GO for next win!! Michael Schumacher forever number one
7 September, 22:46;
Garry Izmalkoff, Russian
Michael, please, wait! Dont gone! U A The Chempion!!! Mr. Grand Prix!
7 September, 22:46;
Michal Mikšík, Czech Republic
Stay in F1 with Ferrari you are the best
7 September, 22:45;
koutnej, Czech republic
Michael, Dont go..but stay hear with us, please.
7 September, 22:45;
pasha, ukraine
monaco06' - cool!!!!!!alonso s#cks!
7 September, 22:45;
honza Pelc z Hudlic 329, czech Repablick
prosím zůstaň a stale nám dělej radost.ctěl sem letost přijet na vekou cenu do německa ale nešlo to . A za rok to vyjde a doufám že pro mě vyhraješ.Batte bitte schumi.
7 September, 22:45;
Vojta, Czech Republic
Zůstaň, seš nejlepší. Prosím!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 22:45;
michael, Czech repubic
Michael you have to stop racing, please. Ferrari needs young blood. Kimi is welcome!!!!! Thank you for all
7 September, 22:44;
guido, italia
7 September, 22:44;
Sergey 4, Russia
Hey, u are the best!!!!it is his decision, but we all want u to stay....
7 September, 22:44;
Steven, Germany
Die Welt liebt Dich!The World loves You!
7 September, 22:44;
Zuzana, Czech Republic
Show must go one - with you! Please!!!Pages: First «
< | 427 | 428 | 429 | 430 | 431 | 432 | 433 | 434 | 435 | 436 | 437 | 438 | 439 | 440 | 441 | 442 | 443 | 444 | 445 | 446 | >
Last »
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