Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
8 September, 14:53;
bionicpineapple, England
Shueeeeeeee!!!!!! you will stay and get on with what you do best !!! Dont even think of leaving , Stop all this nonsence and get in that car!!!! Race man Race!!!your in your prime , you are a teacher to all, plus you have you best team mate you have ever had !!! Be wise my friend and stay , for the furture of our racing days...... SB
8 September, 14:53;
Marco, Deutschland
Hallo Michael, bitte fahr weiter! Zeig es Renault und hol den nächsen WM-Titel!!! Good Luck
8 September, 14:53;
N9oph, Russia
Don't stop now your carrier!You're one of the best driver of the world! I believe U make a right decision. Good Luck!!!
8 September, 14:53;
Keke Rosberg, Germany
Ich wünschte ich könnt abnehmen damit ich wieder in ein F1 Auto passe und mich von dir in Grund und Boden fahren lassen kann. Aber da das nicht der Fall ist solltest du noch eine weile meinen Sohn desklassieren.
8 September, 14:52;
chris, sweden
michael geh weg von formola 1. viele menschen dich hass
8 September, 14:52;
Christina, Germany
Danke, danke, danke für 15 Jahre Formel 1 Leidenschaft und Begeisterung! Welche Entscheidung Du auch immer treffen wirst, Du bist und wirst immer der Größte bleiben! Ich kann nur für mich sprechen: Bitte, bitte bleib!
8 September, 14:52;
Altea, Russia
It would be great if you stayed))
8 September, 14:52;
Federica, Italy
Please Michael don't go! F1 will never be the same without you!! stay with us one more year! You're the best!!
8 September, 14:52;
Alex, Russia
Michael! My friends had called me Schumacher not because it was a composer or writer. Because of YOU! You drive and win like crazy, please do it more and more!
8 September, 14:52;
Patrick, Spain
8 September, 14:52;
Andrea, Italy
Please don't go, don't gooooooo, don't go away !
8 September, 14:52;
Andrew Rockit, Russia
Dear Michael,All of your fans in Russia ask you to stay in F1 to see and enjoy your performance. You are the best hero which autosport ever seen and now, with your experience, you are much stronger! So, please, stay in your business and good luck to get your 8-th title in 2006! We will support you as we can. Thank you, Michael!
8 September, 14:52;
F1, Germany
Egal wie du dich entscheidest, wir bleiben immer deine Fans!
8 September, 14:52;
֧, china
Michael,for the sake of you of supporter, leave!
8 September, 14:52;
Raamaz, Lithuania
Michael please stay!!!!!!!!!!!
8 September, 14:52;
Kati, Deutschland
Schumi, ohne Dich ist die F1 nicht mehr die F1!Du wärst ein großer Verlust, weil Du aller Beste bist. Danke für die schönen Jahre und die Großartigen Rennen, die Du uns gezeigt hast!
8 September, 14:51;
mike, Luxembourg
Time to say Good-bye Dude Please, Go !!!!
8 September, 14:51;
Jiří Kraml, Czech republic
8 September, 14:51;
Andrei Ivan, Romania
Why do you have to go?You are better than everyone else. You must stay and fight, at least another season.
8 September, 14:51;
Kanabaj Martin, Germany
Du bist der King.Fahr noch bissl.
8 September, 14:51;
Patrick Hagemann, Germany
Bleib doch bitte Michi!
8 September, 14:51;
Patrick, Spain
Look, if you don't like MS, then go somewhere else..STOP POSTING ALL THIS "I LOVE YOU" spoof messages, they are NOT FUNNY.
8 September, 14:51;
小毛拧, 中国
8 September, 14:51;
Gunther, Germany
bitte bleib
8 September, 14:51;
Victor, Russia/Moscow
Не уходи, кто кроме тебя сможет так отжечь в Монако??
8 September, 14:50;
Apollinaria, Russian Federation
Michael, f1 needs you! you are the best!
8 September, 14:50;
RVJ, Ireland
Michael, I absolulely adore you and I think that F1 will be nothing without you. But I think you should go on a high. I couldn't bear to see you beaten as time goes by. I'd hate F1 without you but so be it. Bottom line, I support you if you go and I support you if you stay. I support you when you make mistakes and I support you when everyone else doesn't. I support you unconditional. You are the BEST.
8 September, 14:50;
Jiřik F-M, Czech
Zustaň si nejlepši z nejlepšich pohar maš na dosah
8 September, 14:50;
Patrick, Spain
I am appaled. thsi is meant to be a serious site for us schumacher fans,you lot should be ashamed oif yourslevs making fun of Micheal Schumacher like this. I hope the mods delete all these messages that are so obviously fake.
8 September, 14:50;
Dima, Kiev, Ukraine
Michael don't go, because You are the best driver of all times. I believe in your win this year!!! GOOD LUCK!
8 September, 14:50;
小丫头, China
MichaelTo the world you may be one person, but to 小丫头you may be the world. Please stay!!!!
8 September, 14:49;
Andrea Barbiero, Italy
Stay forever in F1.
8 September, 14:49;
Sammy, China
Schumi,you are the best! Please stay!
8 September, 14:49;
Balaji, India
hiii buddy,U know best what u r capable of... n what i think abt u is dat u have it in u to win a couple of more championships.... so if u have the inspiration to go on for 2 3 more yrs plz do it... u have all the support of all ur fans and respect of ur peers... all the best
8 September, 14:49;
8 September, 14:49;
Papa Roach, Russia
8 September, 14:49;
Gu chao, China
I love you
8 September, 14:48;
Chen Xin Yao, China
Michael please stay! You are the real and only King in F1!!!
8 September, 14:48;
faye wright, england
just go, for goodness sake!
8 September, 14:48;
Konstantin, Ukraine
Michael,please stay in F1 ! ! !
8 September, 14:48;
Michael, czech republic
you+ferrari=the best
8 September, 14:48;
polly, china
michael,you are not a person, but a god in the world of F1!舒米,你是F1界的神明!
8 September, 14:48;
Greta, Lithuania
Please think about us, about your fans, I can't imagine watching tv without you, stay in F1....pleaseeeeeeeee
8 September, 14:48;
Rahul, India
Hey man... u rock !! ... don't leave F1 ... it won't be the same without u !!
8 September, 14:48;
Baba Yaga, Russia
Do not listen anyone exept yourself.Thank you for all-all-all.
8 September, 14:48;
支持舒马赫, china
8 September, 14:48;
cristian, napoli italia
Caro Michael immense le gioie che ci hai regalato,resterai sempre nie nostri cuori, qualunque sia la tua scelta sara' quella giusta (RESTA!!!!!!!!!!!!)Baci Cristian&Rossella
8 September, 14:47;
luca, italy
Michael sei ancora di gran lunga il migliore, continua a vincere con la Ferrari! Dal 1979 aspettavamo un campione del tuo calibro, ora si fa fatica a pensare di poterne fare a meno. Michael,please,stay in F1!!
8 September, 14:47;
Andrei, Republic of Moldova
Michael, inca nu e timpul sa pleci. Atat timp cat ii poti pune la respect pe mucosii, trebuie sa ramai! Inca mai ai ce arata! Inca mai poti stabili noi recorduri! Ofera-ne spectacol in continuare!
8 September, 14:47;
sevag kassar, armenia
no 1 drivers like him - so spectaculary, so safely,so cold_bloodedty,so precisely, so imamaculately, and yet with so much enjoyment.they say is a legend in his own lifetime,a phenomenon.a kind of extra-terresetrialsuperhero,never letting up im his urge to battle it out ,to duel, to win. they call him names ;Rain God .King of the road. The master. Schuminator. a champion. for many, the greatest ever................................. please Michael stay in f1 , you are e legend ,a story and icon. dont forget juan manuel fangio , he wan his final title at the age of 46. please michael stay, dont brake a heart of millions fun dont make these mistake dont ,please stay .............................. from your little brother sevag kassar schumasev Pages: First «
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