Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
8 September, 23:21;
Daniel, CZECH
Jen tak dál Michaeli, F1 bez tebe není! Please, stay!
8 September, 23:20;
annamaria, italia
I am a Ferrari fan and very proud to be italian just because we have the best driver ever in our Team. Don't leave Ferrari , don't leave Italy, don't leave F1. This sport will never be the same, how can we watch F1 without Michael, You are F1 and F1 is You. Please stay. Who cares for the others ? only you move our passion. Stay Michael. Ti prego ripensaci, hai ancora tanto tempo!!
8 September, 23:20;
raluca, roumania
You are the best. Pleace do not retired.
8 September, 23:20;
taucheringe, germany
Es gibt keinen Ersatz! Schumi soll bleiben!!
8 September, 23:19;
pavel, czech
michael,please stay two years
8 September, 23:19;
Fabrizio, Italia
Spagnoli state muti!!!! Avete il coraggio di paragonare re SCHUMI con m*rda Alonso?????Sta 7-1 a titoli senza parlare poi delle pole e le vittorie!! Dai che fra vent'anni c'arriva anche quel nano di Fernandl!!!!
8 September, 23:19;
lonnly, gemany
!!! du mußt bleiben !!!
8 September, 23:19;
Moe Syzslak, England
Michael.....please, please, please, PLEASE STOP!!!!
8 September, 23:18;
bdf, romania
PLEASEE STAY ! Without you , i will not watch formula 1 few more years. After Ayrton Senna's death, you convince me to stay and watch F1 again.You are already a whole album of history, but it is more room to write! Regards,
8 September, 23:18;
gary jemelian, USA
Michael, my son Alex is a big fan, he's going to be 5 in october 16. I promised him when he turns 5 to take him to F1...so he can watch you live in Canada, please give me a chance.....we watch you race all the time he has your pictures all over his room and he learned how to say Schumacher at age 2. Best of luck,thank you.
8 September, 23:18;
vxboy, uk
When michael is about about bernie bends over and gets a dry bumming hard!
8 September, 23:18;
Alexandr, Eкраина
http://www.formula-1.com.ua/ still with you... please stay in... you`r #1
8 September, 23:18;
8 September, 23:17;
xxx, CZ
Oh man, get out. u r there too long, let somebody win instead of u :-)
8 September, 23:17;
Mr norx, uk
I think schummy is a homo
8 September, 23:16;
tom, germany
we need you !!!!
8 September, 23:16;
ozwald ozburn, england
bark at the moon michael!!!love fom oz & shaz
8 September, 23:15;
mete, USA
Master Show must go on.
8 September, 23:15;
Michal, Czech Republic
When I read that on our website I thought i have to express myself to this issue. For me Micheal, you are nubmer 1 in F1.Your perfomences during races are stable as anybody else and it is fantastic. Alongside you are something what conect and mix something what I would called one era of F1 ant it is your era. I do not want to see end of this are. Not yet. HOLD ON.
8 September, 23:15;
8 September, 23:15;
8 September, 23:14;
mete, turkey
8 September, 23:14;
Verculinka, Česká republika
Pořádně nevím co chci" na jednu stranu si říkám aby už odešel a uvolnim místo Kimimu, který by se tedy dostal do lepší stáje a mohl konečně získat titul a na druhou stranu zase si říkám jaká bude formule když odejde proslulý Michael Schumacher!
8 September, 23:14;
Егор Синявин, Украина
Михаэль,останся пожалуйста,прошу тебя. Ты мне очень нужен-НЕ ПОДВЕДИ ВСЕХ СВОИХ Фанатов-ПРОШУ ТЕБЯ-Я ВЕРЮ В ТЕБЯ-ТЫ САМЫЙ ЛУЧШИЙ....
8 September, 23:14;
Uwe W, Germany
Michael, Du bist der größte Rennfahrer aller zeiten, Ohne Dich gibt es wird die F1 verdammt langweilig, Bis auf 1 Rennen habe ich alle verfolgt, es waren wunderbare Momente mit Dir sich zu freuen und traurig zu sein. ES ist einfach wunderbar, Dich Rennen fahren zu sehen, Bleib einafch dabei und viele Millionen Menschen würden Dich noch mehr lieben ! Du bist und warst einfach großartig, es kann und wird Dir keiner das Wasser reichen können. Tritt nicht zurück ... !
8 September, 23:14;
Liviu Sandu, us
U are the man...I will always see u as a bright and outstanding sportsmanferrari will be always in my heart aside u FORZA SCHUMI FORZA FERRARI Liviu
8 September, 23:14;
Justas, Lithuania
8 September, 23:13;
Mikael, Russia
Without you F1 is nothing, please stay!!! And I belive? that you are stay!
8 September, 23:13;
jick magger, italy
hey hey you schuget offa ma cloud
8 September, 23:12;
roman, Ceska Republika
Michaeli, jsi, byl jsi a budes vzdy ten nejlepsi pilot F1, stey F1.
8 September, 23:11;
Dominique, United Kingdom
Schumi, Du musst bleiben. Ich kann und will nicht ohne Dich F1 unterstützen. Bleib wenigstens noch ein Jahr und krieg noch ein Rekord dazu, 8 x Weltmeister, vieleicht sogar zwei!!! Ich liebe Dich zu viel um jetzt Tschüss zu sagen.
8 September, 23:11;
Niki Lauda, Austria
8 September, 23:11;
tim gore, uk
your still the best out on the track but i suppose you know what your doing. i,m gonna miss you
8 September, 23:11;
Krisz, Hungary
Schumi maradj kérlek és mutasd meg a kételkedőknek hogy te vagy a legjobb!!!! A világ valaha élt legjobb pilótáját még látni akarom jövőre versenyezni!!!
8 September, 23:11;
Genan, Romania
The whole world is waiting your decision. Please, let it be positive and you will make everyone happy. You're the greatest campion of all times, let us watch you win at least one more year. WE ALL RESPECT YOUR DECISION !!!
8 September, 23:10;
one pablo montego, usa
hey remember me, i'm nearly 300 lbs now, and driving a 6000lb piece of lard......wanna join me...and then you can become a podgy american idol too....see you soon, i'm buying the cheeseburgers! love one pable xxx
8 September, 23:10;
Danny, UK
If you crash and die I will be laughing so stay and do that!
8 September, 23:09;
Svetoslav, Bulgaria
Please, stay !!! :)
8 September, 23:09;
František, Česká republika
Michaeli, bez tebe už to nebude ono. Please stay
8 September, 23:08;
Dragos-Gabriel, Romania
Shumi please stay in F-1 ... you're the best ... we need you ... everyone need you ... Schumi's supporter forever !
8 September, 23:08;
Sanjyot Pillai, India
Star like you are not born everyday; please stay in F1 with the reds and achieve the unbelievable of 100 F1 wins; set this record. If you manage to win the next 4 race this year the tally would go to 93 wins and i am sure till date no driver in the F1 circuit has the ability and capability to achieve what you have given to all the Fans. People all over the world watch F1 for you; though 2004 was a bit one-sided but i must say F1 TPR ratings might go down if you dont race next year.Please stay for one more season . Complete 100 wins. Thanks and all the best sanjyot
8 September, 23:07;
gajda, veselá,czech republic
Už konečně táhni,ty podvodníku a zapráskaný skopčáku!!!Smrt Schumacherovi a všem jeho přisluhovačům!!!!!Vivat Fernando Alonso
8 September, 23:07;
Fabrizio, Italia
If you leave or if you rest you are still THE BEST!!!Make your choice the best for you I'm with you in any case!! Tomorrow I'll come in Monza to see you break Alonso. In any case 8-1 or 7-2 your are better than him!!!! GO SCHUMI GO!!!!!!
8 September, 23:07;
j k, USA
Even if Raikkonen comes to Ferrari w/ "Equal number 1 status" you will still have a huge advantage over him because the car and the team have been formed around you. Now if you were going to race him in a McLaren I'd say, time to hang it up. But in a Ferrari, give it a go.
8 September, 23:07;
Roberto!, Italy-Sicily-TAORMINA!
Michael rimani a farci sognare!SEI IL MIGLIORE!
8 September, 23:06;
Adriano, Nederlands
result are important, VIVA Schumy forever !!!!
8 September, 23:06;
David, uk
your the worst MSgo away please!
8 September, 23:06;
Francesco, Italia
michael non lasciare la formula uno. io ho incominciato ad appassionarmi alla formula uno grazie a te. per me ora se tu lasciassi la formula uno è come se la formula uno non esistesse piu. e poi sei in ferrari ed io sono un grande tifoso tuo e della ferrari. tu hai fatto in modo che noi tifosi ferraristi torrnassimo a festeggiare grazie alle tue vittorie. lo so che sei l'iuomo dei record li hai battuti tutti hai vinto piu titoli mondiali di tutti ma tu non sei come gli altri sei MICHAEL SCHUMACHER il piu grande di sempre. qualunque sarà la tua decisione ti auguro buona fortuna e ti ringrazio per tutto le cose che hai fatto. ciao michael e pensaci bene.
8 September, 23:05;
8 September, 23:05;
Michael Morgan, UK
I love you you make formulae 1, what it is today, without you the sport would be like bread without butter, UTTERLY flavourless. PLEASE STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pages: First «
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