Showing 50 out of 27,113 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,061
9 September, 12:16;
HMS, Finland
Michael, You are the best that there ever has been in F1!!! Ferrari will need you, at least another year... You can be the champion again this year and the next! Whatever you do, be happy!! You desirve that. You have made so many others happy during your fabilous career---
9 September, 12:15;
Indrė, Lithuania
Dear, Michael!I would like that you would stay in Formule1, because i think that you are a very good racer, nad if you leave as we will be very very sad...:(
9 September, 12:15;
sally, germany
go michael!!!!!!!!!!!
9 September, 12:15;
Dado, Italy
La formula 1 senza di te non sarà più la stessa!Non lasciare, sei il più forte di tutti i tempi!
9 September, 12:15;
Alvaro, Spain
Schumi, maybe I'm only one of the thousand's spanish fans that you have. I was in Monza (99.2000,2001,2002,2003,2004), Imola (2000 and 2006) and Hungaroring in 99,2000, 2001,2002,2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 -after the great chicane) and as I saw too many f1 drivers in several years I can say that you're the best because you represent the aggresive style against the "playstation" drivers as Alonso & Company.I'll never forget you because I grow up and get older with your victories, and you're the only hero of my chilhood that never died -the other heroes died in my memory as I was growing up). Thanks for this dreaming years!
9 September, 12:15;
Kimi, Zog
9 September, 12:14;
Alex, Lithuania
just stay
9 September, 12:14;
cristi, romania
you are the best in the world
9 September, 12:13;
You are all the best!
9 September, 12:13;
sharon, 上海
we all love you ....please stay...
9 September, 12:13;
Ivan, SVK
WOW 15 000 messages ,
9 September, 12:13;
Prasad, India
come on michael please stay....f1 needs u more than anything...ure the only reason that half of the people watch f1
9 September, 12:12;
Lidiya, Russia
I love Schumi, becose he is best! Please stay!
9 September, 12:12;
aleasha , kerin sidhu, england
we r yr biggest fans ever, even tho we r only 11, and 8, , ferrari will always rule.. but will lose the greatest ever driver if u go
9 September, 12:11;
9 September, 12:11;
9 September, 12:11;
Eugenio, Italia
Ciao Michael! Vorrei tanto essere li a Monza e dirti l'impossibile per riuscire a convincerti a rimanere per continuare a fare grande la storia della ferrari!Ti ammiro davvero tanto! Ti prego rimani ancora per un anno e dimostra a tutti che sei veramente un grande!!!! Mi raccomando vinci questo campionato come si deve! Ti saluto e ti dico che durante lacorsa ti saremo tutti vicini! Forza MIchael sei il migliore!!!!!!!!!!!11
9 September, 12:11;
martine, china
Please stay F1.I don't know if you leave,what F1 wlii change ? we belive you .please ,stay F1.don't leave forever!
9 September, 12:10;
Timmo, Estonia
I'm begging you, please stay.
9 September, 12:10;
vaibhavi, india
michael, you cant leave f1. you are the king of the track, the time will come one day to renounce the thrown but this season is not it... next one maybe....f1 will be empty in your absence.... please stay
9 September, 12:10;
Mitko Tomov, Bulgaria
Please -STAY!!!
9 September, 12:09;
uk steve, england
i know , u know , the paddock know, U R the F1 guru, plz dont go ...F1 will never recover
9 September, 12:09;
schumi4everlove, shanghai,China
schumi,whatever choice you will make,I will support you forever, at this moment,I only hope that the choice you have made is the best choice for you and you will not be regretful!
9 September, 12:09;
Alastair, UK
Please, Michael dont go now! You are what makes F1 well.........F1! It is because of you I got into F1, no other driver could do that! If you left id have to stop following F1 because it wouldnt be the same without seeing your famous helmet and your name on the lap times, none of these new stars such as alonso or kimi know how to make F1 entertaining in the same way. However I know what ever you feel will end up being whats best for you and I respect that.
9 September, 12:08;
Sheraz Ali, Karachi, Pakistan
Just one more year atleast please.....
9 September, 12:08;
z yang, china
请你留下来 F1有你才精彩
9 September, 12:07;
pallina, italy
per picere resta
9 September, 12:07;
ring, china
Michael please stayyou are the best in f1,always
9 September, 12:06;
Solon Ioannou, Greece
I would love to see Michael-Kimi driving the Maranello f1 cars.What a pair.The best in history.
9 September, 12:06;
kinki, shanghai
schumi ich stehe 100% hinter dir
9 September, 12:06;
WJ, China
We love you,we need you!Please don't go!
9 September, 12:05;
DjG, Lithuania
MS, Stay!! :)
9 September, 12:05;
Nik, Australia
Michael, Only you know what is best. You are by far the best driver. I have been a fan of yours since i was 10 years old (1996).
9 September, 12:05;
Tracy, England
You should have gone after your shamless parking at Monaco!
9 September, 12:03;
kenny, china
In china, without QianManMao we are all sad with tears. In F1, without You Schumi we are all the same, because you are the King. We miss you, please stay!
9 September, 12:03;
Strykr, USA
Michael, Please retire.. you have all the records and the sports needs new blood. While I respect ya.. time to say see ya
9 September, 12:03;
Karel, Czech republic
don't go away please
9 September, 12:03;
yvonne, China
Schumi, bleiben in F1 ,selbest 1Jahr !Schumi ,stay in F1, Just 1 year more! 舒米,留下吧,即使只有一年!
9 September, 12:03;
Tom, Czech
Please stay Michal on F1 . You are the KING OF F1!!!!!!
9 September, 12:03;
Vuiktoria Ganzer, Kastellaun
Lieber Michael, sie waren der beste, sie haben der Welt gezeigt was sie drauf haben, aber man kann nit ewig erster sein, die Zeiten ändern sich, die Fahrer auch, ich drücke für sie die Daumen damit sie noch ein Jahr Weltmeisterwerdet oder mindesten den 2. Platz nehmen, und sich dann zurück ziehen, dann werden sie als "winner" gehen, leute und Fans werdeb einfach von ihnen begeistert sein und viel Respekt vor ihnen haben!!Obwohl es ist ja ihre entscheidung, es ist ja auch ihr Wahl, ich wünsche ihnen noch viel erfolg und noch WM-titel ;) P.S.: Die echten Fans bleiben mit ihnen und werden auf SIE immer glauben... Viel Glück, viel Erfolg, Viktoria Ganzer, Mercedesfan...:)
9 September, 12:02;
Gabo, Czech Republic
Michael, you can stay for one more year, you are still the best driver in F1
9 September, 12:01;
Ivan, SVK
You have been a part of my life for 15 years nearly. Without you there will be a huge void
9 September, 12:01;
Elio Howard, Spain
Micheael don't go. F1 will not be the same. Ferrari don't take Raikonen, he has no character and will not last in Italy. He does not have the passion that Michael has. Michael tsay at least another year
9 September, 12:01;
Daria1214, Russia
Michael, please stay in F1!
9 September, 12:01;
Schumar, Ukraine
We wants Schumacher only !!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 September, 12:00;
vitalijus, lithuania
please stay
9 September, 11:59;
Karen, U.K
You have been a part of my life for 15 years nearly. Without you there will be a huge void. Please do i more season so i can see you at a race to say farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 September, 11:59;
corinne, wales
michael should stay he has still got loads more racing in him
9 September, 11:58;
Ohne Dich macht Formel 1 keinen Spaß!
9 September, 11:58;
maris, LATVIA
PLEASE STAY!you are the best pilot in F1Pages: First «
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Michael, We believe, you will read all the messages, and we are hopefully waiting for your answer
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