Showing 50 out of 27,110 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,058
18 March, 21:51; Schumi, Estonia
What's going on? I found the Australian GP so dull. I'm not sure if I'll keep on watching F1. It's simply not interesting.
18 March, 17:53; Nat Lockwood, England
I missed you so much at the 2007 Australian GP. Always my number one- Michael Schumacher!
18 March, 17:52; Nat Lockwoo, England
I missed you so much at the 2007 Australian GP.
18 March, 17:39; Svetlana, Russia
Avstralian gp say definetley not the same without you,
18 March, 16:13; David, Egland
Michael for many years i loved watching you race, i hate to say i lost interest since you left, but still i hope to see you again and make the history in F1 racing even bigger by winning one more title make it ten, you are the best ever only you can do it, and many thanks from me for all the good years.
18 March, 14:37; 1/3, Germany
I did not whatch the game,because the game without you,
when I know the result,I do not know what I feel,
come back,please!
18 March, 14:37; Angelika, Germany/Kleve
Michael. Wie habe ich Dich vermisst. Ich werde Dich immer vermissen. Tut mir leid, aber K.Raikönen kann jedes Rennen gewinnen, an die Ausstrahlung vonMichael Schumacher kommt der Finne nie und niemals heran. Schade nur, dass Filipe Massa so ein Pech mit dem Motor hatte. Aber MICHAEL, ich vermisse Dich, aber leider kommst Du nicht zurück. Ich kann mir zwar nicht vorstellen, daß Du soooooo glücklich bist daheim vor dem Fernseher ohne Deine geliebte Formel 1 und Dein Rennauto. Aber wenn es Dich glücklich macht, dann ok, trotzdem ich vermisse Dich und werde immer Dein Fan bleiben. Ich liebe Dich als Dein Fan Michael, Du bester Formel 1 Fahrer aller Zeiten. Liebe Grüße an alle Michael Schumacher Fans Angelika
18 March, 07:49; Qianying Chao, China
10 March, 18:04; Michael, Switzerland
I again thank all for the gratious messages. I wish Ferrari the very best of luck, and lets hope we can have continued sucess in this new era.

Oh, is that you?
18 March, 07:37; Qianying Chao, China
*~ Never be Forgotten~*
——For Michael Schumacher

You will never be forgotten;
A million days could pass us by;
But what is time but just a dream
Oh I still feel you here with me!

Michael, I'll always love you!
Best wishes fou you,my dear!
17 March, 15:57; 蒋婷, 中国 China
17 March, 06:43; Schumi1900, China
I hope that you are happy.
17 March, 06:41; Svetlana, Russia
Avstralian gp say definetley not the same without you,
17 March, 06:39; Svetlana, Russia
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MICHAEL WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 March, 21:11; Su Ruiqi, China
Michael,i just miss you so much...
16 March, 19:13; Svetlana, Russia
Michael we need you!!!!!!!
King in F1 forever. You are the best!!
16 March, 11:17; Erik Nilsen Aamot, Norway
Michael i saw the austrailen gp training this night, and i have to say that it was very wired and definetley not the same without you,.
Schumi you are forever the best.
You are the champion
16 March, 08:04; Angelika, Kleve/Germany
Hallo Michael Schumacher und Michael Schumacher Fans!
Es ist soweit, ich schreibe wieder und gerade zu Beginn der neuen Saison am ersten Wochenende. Ich bin sehr traurig darüber, dass es nun ohne ihn losgeht. Wenn ich sonst auch für die Freitagstrainings aufgestanden bin, diesesmal nicht. Ich habe persönlich kein leichtes 2006 gehabt, hinzu gekommen ist dann auch noch, daß die (fast) einzige Freude Michael Schumacher nicht mehr Formel 1 zelebriert. Er ist der einzige, der Beste, der Mann mit den meisten Rekorden. Wo bleiben seine Luftsprünge, aber auch wenn er nicht als erster durchs Ziel kam, hat Michael für mich immer noch etwas geheimnisumwogenes. Ich vermisse ihn sehr, und wenn man den Aussagen des Managers W.Weber zuhört, dann wird er auch kein Comeback geben. Aber ich hoffe so sehr, daß wir als Fans ihn noch oft irgendwo, irgendwie zu Gesicht bekommen. Denn es bleibt immer irgendwo eine Spur von ihm. Ich wünsche unserem Michael Schumacher alles Gute, viel Glück vor allen Dingen Gesundheit. Alles Liebe und Michael forver. Dein Fan bis in alle Ewigkeit Angelika
16 March, 01:31; Bulat, Russia
A legend in live
stay & say
-The King has return!
15 March, 13:27; Schumifan4ever, Sprincity
Hi schumi
schreib uns für unsere prüfung bitte was zu deinem privatleben an die otto riehm schul
15 March, 01:49; Erik Nilsen Aamot, Norway
So Please Comeback to us fans later, so that we can se the best of the best out on the Circuit again
15 March, 01:45; Erik Nilsen Aamot, Norway
Michael F1 Is not going to be the same without you.
I Have growing up watching you and Ferrari winning Thanks for that I Have had so many fantastic times thank you soo much.

Schumi Forever
14 March, 18:01; hms, Finland
It just isn't the same without you :-(

I will always miss you and Ferrari being together as driver and team- - -
That was something really special
14 March, 16:16; Yan, China
Michael we need you
14 March, 13:33; Damjan, Slovenia
Please stay in F1!!!
14 March, 10:01; Michael.Chen, China
michael,you may stop,but our love never!
14 March, 00:23; beshev, europe
yuo ist the best
13 March, 02:56; Max, Chile
12 March, 11:45; Takiyo, 中国
11 March, 20:47; jorge jukian gonzalez, argentina
i love michael please one more year.peladomk@hotmail.com
11 March, 11:48; Schumi1900, China
11 March, 11:45; Schumi1900, China
Our love never stop.
11 March, 11:13; Coco, UK
Never say goodbye.
10 March, 18:08; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Nur noch 8 Tage bis zur neuen Saison der F1!Doch diese wird so langweilig werden wie schon seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr.Ohne Michael ist die F1 nur noch halb so spannend.Vor der Ära von Michael Schumacher hatte man noch große Typen wie Senna oder Prost.Heute haben wir noch so Waschlappen wie Alonso oder Raikkönen.
Beste Wünsche für deine Zukunft, Michael!!!!!!
10 March, 18:04; Michael, Switzerland
I again thank all for the gratious messages. I wish Ferrari the very best of luck, and lets hope we can have continued sucess in this new era.
9 March, 00:17; mrs gail gray, england
miss schumi a great deal,i wish him congratulations for his 3rd child when it gets born this year (2007)love him to bits,he is the only formula 1 driver with grace and respect for everything,and so is his team boss mr jean todt these two are perfect gentlemen.
9 March, 00:15; Derek, New Zealand
Thank you Bernie Ecclestone, you have sucessfully made michael re-tired and made us turn away from F1 one. WHAT AN ACHEIVEMENT!!!... Michael Let us know if you are intending to do other sport so we can flick through channels trying to find you.
8 March, 23:36; Okin, New Zealand
Why Michael why? If they thought you were making people turn their TV off, LET THEM WAIT AND SEE NOW. Difinitly no more F1 for me.
8 March, 21:09; ÇİLEM, TURKEY
8 March, 06:51; Schumi1900, China
Hail schumi! Hail schumi!
There were and are and will be different drivers in F1--good,quick,talented....but there is just Only One Michael Schumacher.
Schumi,thank you for the fantastic 16 years you bring us!!!!

May you stop,but our love never!!!!!!
8 March, 06:49; Schumi1900, China
Hail schumi!
There were and are and will be different drivers in F1--good,quick,talented....but there is just Only One Michael Schumacher.
Schumi,thank you for the fantastic 16 years you bring us!!!!May you stop,but our love never!!!!!!
8 March, 00:14; Murat Sahintas, England
I am your biggest fan man. Why you should leave now? Why? The car has been improved so much just because of you. Bridgestone tyres improved so much just because of you. You are the greatest and most mercyless F1 Driver ever. There is nobody can stop you. You are the best.
7 March, 19:10; Nutu, Romania3208
I dont now what can I say but you already are the only and the bigest pilot of F1 from all the istory .I have no words .YOU beat all records and you beat Senna .Alonso can win ten championships but he ever will been like you>
7 March, 18:59; nutu, Romania3208
I m 18 year old from Romania and I watch F1 since 1998 ,10 years and I am a big fan of you .I was by you at every grand prix.I always remember one pilot F1 and this is <<Michael Schumacher>>
7 March, 17:56; Markus, Germany
@ Angelika ich muss dir absolut recht geben. Ich werde auch MSC Fan auf Lebenszeit bleiben. Und werde die F1 nicht mehr mit so großer Freude genießen. Wird schon komisch sein, wenn am 15 März um 00:00Uhr kein MSC aus der Box fahren wird.
7 March, 17:44; EBRU, TURKEY
Schumi! please return with your seven champions! We are waiting your eight champion. We need you! We loved you like a brother... Our legend brother in the F1.
7 March, 01:33; Joana, Lithuania
You are a eminent man! Anyone loves to watch you on TV, please stay in ferrari!!!! We have a big heart for you!!!
6 March, 14:01; Reed Yu, China
Michael!Be the King forever,Please
6 March, 13:15; Erik Nilsen Aamot, Norway
Michael You are the Best!!! Forever.
6 March, 10:31; Takiyo, 中国
希望这个网站一直撑下去 ..5年 .10年 .50年 ~!~~~!~~~~~~~~
一直走下去 ~~~~~~~~
5 March, 21:00; ALEX, RUSSIA
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