Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
14 May, 17:09;
Jose Antonio, Venezuela
Michael regresa a la F1 por favor.
14 May, 16:57;
CHNmonkey, China
Michael.How are you?Good luck my hero.
14 May, 03:17;
Edward, usa
hallo michael ich bin ein fan seid jahren. schon als ich in deutschland lebte. es waere spitze wenn wir schumi wieder an erster stelle in der formel one sehen.wuerden. plesase come back.
13 May, 17:56;
Meritxell Reales, ESpaña
Schumi te exo de menos un monton .Este año por 1 vez e podido ir a montmelo y la verdad esq casi lloro de rabia porque justo el año k puedo ir es el año en el k tu faltas.Eres has sido y seguiras siendo el mejor siempre.1 beso
13 May, 04:17;
Mario, Canada
Michael you dominated the F1 world, I think its time you bring that fire back to the team and take over Jean Toldt and keep that dynasty team where its should be.
12 May, 23:02;
I HOPE SHOW YOU LIVE IN MY LIFE ..good luck hero..
12 May, 22:55;
nabil, lebanon
we miss you ...SHUMY.
12 May, 22:41;
nabil, lebanon
i am watch f1 tv wen you drive the blue car . but you give life 4 the red car. if you drive vw you are the best diver in the world . see hi 4 your family.good luck take care..
12 May, 22:30;
nabil, lebanon
go east go west shumy the best..
12 May, 22:29;
sandra, lebanon
top driver 4 the word..cia
12 May, 22:28;
pressila, lebanon
hi shumy my old 13 . please stay and see hi 4 your dhauter .my dady have show f1 live but ...
12 May, 22:23;
nabil, lebanon
please stay we love you and the f1 4u only ..
12 May, 14:18;
11 May, 14:38;
ferrari, italy
michael, i have said that you are the best!!!!!!!!!
10 May, 19:23;
Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Michael, welcome bach to Formula 1 tomorrow in Barcelona!! Endlich werden deine Fans dich wieder sehen.. und es dir dementsprechend zürück zahlen.Vielen, vielen Dank!!! MfG Daniel
10 May, 10:10;
Eugenia, Italy
Grazie Schumy per gli splendidi anni, le immense soddisfazioni e le grandissime gioie che ci hai regalato. Sento tantissimo la tua mancanza nei week end di gp, per favore vieni più spesso a farci un salto.Grazie ancora. Eugenia
10 May, 07:33;
Ruchi Arora, India
Don't go, don't go, don't go...................plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssss, dnt leave, Saty in F1, pls for your fans saty ..........Ruchi
10 May, 07:32;
Ruchi Arora, India
Formula 1 means Michael Schumacher, speed means M Schumacher, victory means M Schumacher. Passion to win means M Schumacher.
10 May, 02:27;
杨威, 中国
9 May, 21:35;
Svetlana, Russia
I miss you !!!Schumi please come back!!!!!!
9 May, 19:49;
Sandra, UK
Schumi - It will be great to see you at the Spanish Grand Prix this weekend - back in F1 where you belong!
9 May, 17:31;
aris, greece
schumi please come back
9 May, 15:53;
Louise, China
I hope your appearance will bring the good luck to FERRARI,And FERRARI will be the winner of Spain!
9 May, 13:21;
Angelika, Kleve/Deutschland
Lieber Michael Schumacher.Wen es mir in den letzten Monaten auch sehr schlecht ging, ich frue mich aufs kommende Wochenende, denn da bist Du in Barcelona an der Formel 1 Rennstrecke. Ich werde am Samstag und am Sonntag solange vorm Fernseher sitzen, wie RTL Formel 1 überträgt, denn da endlich seh ich Dich wieder, wenn auch nicht als aktiver Rennfahrer, leider, aber Du bist wenigstens mal wieder im TV zu sehen. Alles Gute Dein immer treuer Fan Angelika vom Niederrhein
9 May, 11:53;
Silvia, Italy
Quanto mi manchi Schumy!!! ...ma ripenso spesso a tutte le emozioni che mi hai regalato in questi anni e che nessuno mi potrà mai togliere.Grazie per i momenti incancellabili che mi hai regalato con le tue corse e con le tue vittoire. Il tuo amore per questo sport mi ha fatto appassionare alla formula 1 e questo non lo dimenticherò mai (però senza di te la formula 1 è molto vuota)... Mi manchi tanissimo... Un bacio e un abbraccio stretto stretto... I love you and i'll love you FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 May, 10:56;
Sergio Pappalardo, Italy
L'inno di Mameli non sarà mai lo stesso senza di te...Ci manchi davvero.
9 May, 09:45;
Ricordo ancora ora quando al Ferrari Day ti sei alzato dalla macchina, ti sei levato il casco e il sottocasco. Gesti che avrai fatto un milione di volte ma quella volta era l'ultima! Chissà cosa avrai pensato, o semplicemente cosa riaffiorava nella tua mente nel compiere quelle azioni così lentamente forse per farcele assaporare. Solo tu sei il migliore!
8 May, 20:56;
kerpen, England
7 May, 15:50;
7 May, 02:49;
風痕Аurоra, China
6 May, 14:01;
Schumi1900, china
5 May, 14:42;
Qianying Zhao, China
I miss you forever
5 May, 05:56;
yueming, China
schumi you are the best forever!we love forever! 你是最棒的
4 May, 16:32;
meg, scotland
i know that this is late. but michael life is so much duller and boring without you driving in f1. for over 12 years ive watched in awe of you, i would get so excited every week knowing that i was going to watch you drive, you always took my breath away. me and my best friend maggie were lucky enough to see you 3 times silverston 2004, monza 2005 magny cours 2006 each one amazing (even with the monza result!!!) i just want to say thank you for every moment, i had a blast. i stuck by you through thick and thin also i am schumy loud and proud and always will be!!!!!!! forever my hero xxx
4 May, 13:00;
WPF, China
4 May, 12:57;
WPF, China
4 May, 10:52;
wouter, begium
your a good ,uhum the best driver...so keep on goein
3 May, 13:58;
Ring, China
Shumi,I miss you...
3 May, 09:54;
Nella, China
On May 13 in Spain,I can see you once again after long heartbreaking waiting!Felipe and Kimi are good drivers,but not as perfect as you
3 May, 09:04;
gusijie, China
3 May, 08:33;
Ayesha, CHINA
3 May, 05:19;
lu yueming, China
schumi when i watch F1 in TV I aways miss you please come back ! may you stop, but our love never!
2 May, 03:58;
蒋婷, China
1 May, 18:04;
Koka, Russia
U r larger than life. U r the greatest ever and a real lionhearted gentleman. I will never ever forget u.
1 May, 08:37;
蒋婷, china
Today is the MAY DAY ,I hope you have a good mood ,happy everyday!
30 April, 19:12;
Ancsa, Hungary
I miss you Schumi! F1 is not the same without you! I am very proud of you, and hope you will come back one day and show everybody who is the king of F1!
30 April, 17:42;
Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Sehr, sehr gute Entscheidung von dir, Michael, zum nächsten GP nach Barcelona zu kommen!!!!! Alle deine Fans werden sich unglaublich freuen, dich wieder zu sehen und werden es dir gebührend zurüch zahlen. Dann wird endlich mal wieder richtig Stimmung sein an der Strecke.
30 April, 13:14;
istván, ungarn
Michael nélkül nincs F.1...Ö a KIRÁLY....
30 April, 09:07;
Галина, Russia
Миха... ты ушёл и смотреть стало не на кого. Но всё равно - СПАСИБО за то, что ты - ЕСТЬ!Счастья тебе, удачи, здоровья и пусть всё у тебя будет - отлично! ЛЮБЛЮ и УВАЖАЮ! =))))
30 April, 04:25;
Schumi1900, China
舒米,你的瑞丙球队保级成功了吗?前天考语文,我的作文就写了你,我心中的神 话。。~ Pages: First «
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