Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 13:32; Ruby Huang, China
Schumi, how can we without you!!!
7 September, 13:32; Agina, China
I cried silently this afternoon at my doom.My doommates couldn't understand why i was so depressed.Throughout the yeas ,only U have the magic to control my emotion.I 'll never forget the crazy joy U bring to me. U're my only precious GOD,FOREVER!!!

Michael,if U are still loving the game,please STAY!

whatever U do , I'll always love U.
7 September, 13:31; Stevo, Australia
You wont give up. Not yet. Ferrari needs you. One more drivers and one more constructors. Viva Scuderia Ferrari!
7 September, 13:28; Tamás Pintér, Hungary
I hope you will stay in Formula 1.
I wish you all the best from Hungary.
7 September, 13:28; Radics Zoltán, Hungary
Michael Schumacher ist König!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Légyszives maradj még te vagy a legjobb!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 13:27; Love you,Schumi., China

Schumi,please stay in Formula1.
I wanna see your smiling face…
I wanna see your “Schumi-Jump”…

Love you forever^^
7 September, 13:26; Zuzu, Hungary
Kérlek mardj!!!!Légyszives te vagy a legjobb!!!!Michael Schumacher is König!!!!
7 September, 13:26; schu_strike, Moldova
Michael you are the best pilot in the world! Go on! F1 needs you ! if you will leave f1 , all the rivals will miss a perfect opponent and an idol to beat for!
7 September, 13:26; Malo de Molina, CATALONIA IS SPAIN
Si quieres uqe siga siendo tan MALO como siempre en el foro no te retires
7 September, 13:22; pablo, spain
satay running michael you have to beat alonso a lot of times,
7 September, 13:21; Kate, China
Michael, I know driving is all you have.
If you don' t wanna drive anymore,
then please leave with a smiling face.
But if you still eager to drive, please stay!
You are our faith.
7 September, 13:19; Dixebriego, ASTURIAS
7 September, 13:18; Komlósi György, Hungary
please dont go!!! :) Schumi forever! FORZA Ferrari!
7 September, 13:17; El FACHA, España
7 September, 13:15; Larry Bird, España
Sin ti Shumacher la formula 1 no tiene sentido.
7 September, 13:15; Ciras, CN
Have no you and then have no F1
Michael Schumacher is more important than F1
7 September, 13:15; Ruben, España
No te retires Shumi, que eres 10.000 veces mejor que este tal Alonso
7 September, 13:13; fia, PRC=CHINA=CHN
Michael ,you are the best F1 driver
do not let us down
I believe you will stay in F1
7 September, 13:13; Alf, Basque Country
Please stay, You can beat Alonso.
7 September, 13:13; Tim, China
Schumi please dont leave us!
All of us LOVE you.
Please stay in F1!!!
7 September, 13:11; Deagean, China
7 September, 13:08; haguhans, CH
Es ist Zeit das Feld zu räumen! Du warst erfolgreich wie kein anderer und kannst erhobenen Hauptes den F1 Zirkus verlassen.

Es ist jetzt die Zeit der Jungen. Bye Bye Schumi
7 September, 13:04; Mosh, Deutschland
Schön, dass du endlich aufhörst.
7 September, 13:04; Sunny, China
Schumi.You are the best.Please don't leave!Please stay in F1!!! We all love you!!
7 September, 13:03; Kosztolányi József, Hungary
Schumi kérlek maradj Velünk!
Schumi please stay!
7 September, 12:59; Andrew Gladchih, Moldova
1000 реплика.
в 1000-че и неепет!

ЗЫ: Михаэль, оставайся
7 September, 12:57; greenmile, china
schumi,please don't go!
7 September, 12:56; Victor, Spain
Please Michael stay in F1!!!You are the best ,and here in Spain,I only listen Alonso and Alonso...show us that you are the best!!!!
7 September, 12:55; Norma Li, China
Please stay!
You are always the BEST! Your smile is the world!
Forza Schumi!
7 September, 12:55; Roberto Castillo, Granada - Spanien
Michael bleiben Sie bitte ein mehr Jahr und lehren Sie Kimi wie Sie in Ferrari sein

7 September, 12:50; Armin, Hungary
Michael, I wonder if all these messages will get to you, I'm really hoping they will.. The clock is ticking and all I read everywhere is that you will announce your retirement on Sunday one way or another. Why? You have done every effort to stay in shape, you have this unique gift, and the experience, plus a winning car, everything looks so perfect for you for future. Just because you have been in F1 for years does not mean you have to quit now.

Imagine how many drivers would do anything to be in your place right now, your chances for future F1 titles in upcoming years are so great! Plus YOU MADE FERRARI A WINNING TEAM, YOU BUILT THIS! It's yours, you can thank all the people that supported you all along but you can mainly thank yourself! DON'T GIVE THIS ALL UP NOW! If you still have the passion for racing and winning, which you obviously do, keep on going and we will be here with you!
7 September, 12:48; Simonné Hajni, Hungary
Akár hogyan is döntessz, te vagy a legjobb. te egy legenda vagy.de azért remélem, hogy még láthatunk!
7 September, 12:44; wangweitao, china
wish shumi stay longer and we want to se him in match
7 September, 12:40; Matyas Kemeny, Hungary
Please stay is F1!
7 September, 12:33; Max, Belarus
You are best of the best of the best =)). Please, stay! We need to see you on track
7 September, 12:32; ludwig, China
please stay in F1!!!!!!!!!

7 September, 12:30; Roger, Catalonia
You are the best pilot of the world. Please your funs need see you in the track.
7 September, 12:29; Michael Schumacher Fan, India
Michael, hope you get to read this. It is very evident for you to see how much we all love you.

Michael Please dont retire. The sport, the fans, the tifosi all need you atleast for another year. F1 is never the same without you. Please...Please...dont go.

Let me start off by saying that you will definitely win this year's world championship title. I honestly feel that you are still at your prime and more competitive than anybody else in the circuit. Why even think of retiring when you have the strongest car, the strongest tyres and the best team to support you. Also, next year with all the driver moves and the tyre situation Alonso will be at your mercy. You can win another world championship title next year not to mention the possibility of 100 Grand Prix wins which I am sure nobody can ever even dream of achieving.

We all need you Michael. I really hope to see you race again in F1 next year.
7 September, 12:27; LucyHP, China
Michael,you are the best !!!!!!
7 September, 12:18; Love_Schumi_Forever, CN
Michael, my love:
I shall do one thing in this life,
One thing certain, that is:
Love you, Long for you,
And keep wanting you till I die.
7 September, 12:18; kathy, china
agassi has retired,i don't want to see it again this year!!!please still stay in F1!!!we need you!!!you are the best and the forever hero in my heart!!!
7 September, 12:16; Szilágyi Péter, Hungary
Dear Michael!!!!!

Please Please Please Stay in F1!!!!!!!!!!

Peter Szilagyi
7 September, 12:15; Norb, Hungary
You were you are and you will the BEST EVER! Forza Schumi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay in Ferrari please!
7 September, 12:15; Jesús, Málaga
Se va por COBARDE sabe que Alonso y Cia le estan dando muchos doleres de cabezas y no tiene valor para afrontarlo.
7 September, 12:14; Amos, Australia
Stick around Schuey... it's been a long and great career, but c'mon, just one more year... flog 'em all!
7 September, 12:11; Jesse, Hungary
Michael please stay!!! We need you! F1 needs a true champion! I want to see your 100th Win!!! ;) You are the best, the king, the master, the champion!!
7 September, 12:08; Armin, Hungary

I hope you see all these comments, I hope you see how much people love you and how much we all want you to stay at least one more year.

It is obvious that you are still the fastest driver on the track, I just do not understand why you think about retiring, just because some of the other drivers are tired of being 2nd or 3rd and they want you out of F1?

Normally what happened is that a good driver got into a fast car and won the title. In your case Ferrari was nowhere when you joined in, remember? You were the one to breathe Life into the team, you worked so hard to reach the top, and you did it! And you brought everyone in the team along. It's amazing how you motivated all those people you gave meaning to their Lives as well, amazing what you have accomplished and what you have done for Formula 1 as well. People will always remember that, I really do not think that anyone will ever come even close to what you have done here.

Please think about it, next year all the hassle with the tyres is gone, Michelin is out of the game, you guys have the edge. Plus there is Alonso, you just can't let him win, just can't let that happen!!! We are all keeping our fingers crossed so that you win the GP in Italy and get your 8th World Title.

All the bests to you Michael, really hoping to see you in F1 next year!
7 September, 12:06; Arturo, Spain
¡¡¡...Schummi quedate, Schummi quedate, Schummi quedaateeeeee!!!
7 September, 12:04; balazs, budapest
Michael !

Please stay in F1 and FERRARI !
7 September, 12:04; Albert, Catalonia
F1 needs you Michael.
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