Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 14:11;
Wendy, China
Michael,please stay!Because of you,F1 is wonderful.
7 September, 14:10;
Clover Zhang, China
Michael, stay with us!
7 September, 14:10;
Mark, UK
Quit!!, Just get on with it so we everyone can decide on their driver line-up for next season.You're passed it Michael
7 September, 14:10;
Simon, Slovenia
Micahel you are the best! Stay in F1 and in Ferrari with Kimi and bet him!!!! You must be 10 times WORLD CHAMPION with more tha 100 wins and 100 poles, please drive two more years. WE LOVE YOU ! ! !
7 September, 14:10;
Michael,I like you very much .I hope you can stay in F1 forever. Don't give up. Happy everyday!中国车迷永远支持你!永远爱你!永远的车王舒马赫!
7 September, 14:09;
Jordy, Netherlands
Please stay in F1 for at least 1 more year.Next year it will be ferrari year with alonso to mclaren and renault with 2 ordinary drivers. It will be a walkover.
7 September, 14:09;
Simon, Slovenia
Micahel you are the best! Stay in F1 and in Ferrari with Kimi and bet him!!!! You must be 10 times WORLD CHAMPION with more tha 100 wins and 100 poles, please drive two more years. WE LOVE YOU ! ! !
7 September, 14:09;
David Soler, España
Michael manda!!
7 September, 14:08;
stephen, ireland
stay on and break the hearts of mr alonso and co and keep wining championships. number 1 schumi
7 September, 14:07;
gongbing, china
Michael,,.i love you,i hope you can stay in F1 another year! you are the best,you are the champion 1
7 September, 14:07;
keyin hai, china
stay please,we love you forever.I know you have your own life but,please ,please stay just one year,.......please,please,please
7 September, 14:07;
Wendy, China
Michael,please stay in F1.We all need you.Because of you,I like F1. I guess you will stay,because you are always want to fight for the top.That is your way.
7 September, 14:06;
John Mc, UK
Michael, Please stay in F1. You'll be champion again for the next two years. Besides, my son is just turning three - he was named after you - and he loves watching you - he says "Please stay"
7 September, 14:05;
sarah, china
please~!pease~!please don't go. please~!!!!!!!!
7 September, 14:04;
Krishna Kumar, India
I am convinced Micha will hang up whether he wins the WC this year or not. He plays by his own rules and desires. No carrot dangled in front of him - even if the WC eludes him this time - would convince him, should he decide to go out. Nano or not, he's not one who'll go stupidly in chase of what he can't. HE'S THE GREATEST for that single reason. It's easy to sit outside and say he's professionally fouled several times and hence he won't go out like Agassi did. Whether Micha or Zizou, they did what they had to at that moment. And they are humans, and they transcend in their work their physical and mental limits and that is what is admirable. Everyone should shut up than talking about these two!
7 September, 14:03;
Yassa Qureshi, Pakistan
I want you to stay in F1. Destroy Alonso, Ron Dennis & Renault. Prove that YOU are the only living legend who has become three times WDC while losing & winning like the great boxing giant ALI.
7 September, 14:03;
Julien, FRANCE
Please Michael, stay un F1.You're the best driver of the world... I was impress by your first race in spa... You've gone to Ferrari when those cars was worth than camions and you've won some race... You have all the records in F1, number of title, number of victory, of pole... I think you could win a championship again before leaving ! Are you sure that you want to loose adrenaline effects?
7 September, 14:02;
Julie Anderson, Scotland
Please stay!!!!! F1 will not be the same without it's greatest talent and unique star!! No matter what you decide to do you will always be remembered as the greatest and most successful F1 driver of our time!
7 September, 14:02;
Ian Versterq, England
You've shown no regard for sporting etiquette, it's time you packed your bags.
7 September, 14:02;
Benn Green, England
Please keep racing. Regardless of all the controversy and negative comments, you are still the BEST F1 racer EVER!!!!!
7 September, 14:01;
Red's Qiji, China
Stay in F1, Schumi!舒迷们舍不得你…… We love you~ Ferrari&Schumi,We be unwilling to give or part with you leave……
7 September, 14:01;
candy, china
do nort leave!If you leave,maybe i will not see f1 in the future.but if you decide to go ,i will wish you everything well. and you are the king in my heart forever.
7 September, 14:00;
Ati, Lenti
Maradj sumi!!!!!!!
7 September, 13:59;
Schu = big chin, nooblar
Dude, leave the sport - its bad enough Raikkonen winning the title in your own car, but when the only driver you can beat is the likes of Ricardo Rosset, then you know youve clung on too long..
7 September, 13:57;
Michael, lose you, I forever will lose happiness...Has loved you for 15 years, please not to abandon me!
7 September, 13:56;
Jordan Dude, England
Iv never liked you since you took Damon out in 94, however i could respect you untill Austria 2002. Personally i think you should end your impressive carrear at the end of the season and hope you win the championship so you can go out on a high. Sadly i think you will be more remembered for all the controversy and dirty tricks and team mates that you wouldnt race than for your unquestionable talent. One thing before i go, Monaco - Your car was massivly faster in the race as you awesomely demonstrated. So there was no need whatsoever for the fake spin! Things like that will be what people remember you for, not the brilliance, and that is a shame!
7 September, 13:56;
Agina, China
though i do want you to stay 2007, but only you have the right to choose your life. though i may be in the deepest depression i've never had in my life,but you shall have your own desicion at last----whatever it 'll be,just do as todt said:do what makes you happy.love you forever.
7 September, 13:55;
Yvette, south africa
i said to my father once why does ferrari pay schumi so much money and he answered because my son under michael schumachers right foot theres about 35% more horse powerPressure is nothing Winning is everything Stay in F1 schumi
7 September, 13:54;
feiyang, china
Michael,you don`t give up!!!!come on go go go !!!!!
7 September, 13:54;
Gabor, Hungary
You the KING..PLEASE Stay
7 September, 13:54;
Robertas Petniunas, Lithuania
P.S. Today is my 21st. And i'm watching F-1 for 11 years. 11!! It's more that half of my age. And all the time you were the best! That's true. Please don't go. Not now.
7 September, 13:54;
Mihály Holecskó, Hungary
Lejárt az időd! Jöjjenek a fiatalok!:))))
7 September, 13:54;
Grace, China
Please stay one more year,you're the best!
7 September, 13:53;
feiyang, feiyang
Michael,you don`t give up!!!!come on go go go !!!!!
7 September, 13:52;
Gennady, Russia
Michael, please stay in f1You BESTt! You CAN! You MUST!
7 September, 13:51;
A.Bakharev, RUSSIA
7 September, 13:49;
Craig van Rensburg, south africa
after your victory in 2000 i named my then unborn son michael he is five now and he has celebrated 5 such titles with you. why not move to another f1 team or take a year offJust come back and give these recruits another demonstration on michael schumachers guide winning f1 titles Michael Schumacher my inspiration for Success Forza Ferrari forza Schumi
7 September, 13:49;
Robertas Petniunas, Lithuania
Michael, today is my birthday and i hope that you will do my best ever birthday present! Please atleast one more season. I want to see you racing and winning again! God give us a hope, joy and Michael's stay!
7 September, 13:48;
Effie Yang, China
Michael, please keep on fighting!
7 September, 13:46;
kiminka, Slovakia
I wish you title this season,but then you should go.Kimi is best choise for Ferrari.
7 September, 13:40;
ООО "ИНТЭКС" Демидов Евгений Евгеньевич, Россия
Вообщем так,Думаю, что 10 цифра более удачнее, чем 8... И тем более не удачнее 7! Короче надо молодежь-выскочек стаивть на место, а то они возомнили о себе... Не забывай о своей армии, Михаэль ;)
7 September, 13:40;
fts-Schumi, China
Schumi,you are the best!!i hope you will get more and more champions.i want to see you in the competition!!!Support you forever!!!
7 September, 13:39;
Agina, China
舒米,中国舒迷永远爱你!Schumi,Ur fans in CHINA will always love U! Please Stay!!!
7 September, 13:39;
scarlette, china
please please please don't go.Everytime i see your smile,i know the life is so beautiful,
7 September, 13:37;
Fonixbird, Hungary
M.SchumacherYou are NOT BUNNY!!!! Please never give up. 2007 formula1 seison waiting you
7 September, 13:37;
acho, Spain
Please, you are the best, stay another year in F1!!!
7 September, 13:36;
Alexandr, Russia
7 September, 13:35;
Agina, China
7 September, 13:33;
somos una panda de Catalanes Españoles
7 September, 13:33;
kextr, russia
Schumi go home!Formula will be better without you! /Nothing personal/ Pages: First «
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