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New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 14:26; stolte, switzerland
try it 2 years aigain to be the 10fold!
7 September, 14:25; Andrew Hall, Scotland
Look at it this way... We were in the same position last year and what would this season have been like without Michael! I could watch Michael fighting it out with the young pretenders for years, never mind one more! And if Kimi is indeed heading for Ferrari... A chance to prove the final (unjust) doubters wrong! Michael is the best and still the one that EVERYBODY wants to beat!
7 September, 14:25; Emma, England
Dear Michael,
I think you're staying in, but just in case you're still trying to make a decision I think you should know that you really should stay. You have to retire some time, I know, but c'mon why stop at 8 championships (I have faith and the benefit of occasional psychic powers!) when you could have 10?! Now that would really annoy those idiots who say you should get out!
You're too good to leave now, don't deprive us of watchin your magic driving any sooner than you have to.

PS - Jacques & co don't know what they're talking about - you're going down as a racing and sporting legend, Like it or not!
7 September, 14:24; Klaus, Deutschland
37 na und, nächstes Jahr kommt der 9. Titel, zeigs den jungen Hüpfern!!!
7 September, 14:24; Antony Honarmand, ngland

All the press you receive awaiting your decision is a reminder of just how popular you are. They say the bst way is to leave the sport at the top but that is rubbish. People dont stop thinking senna was great even though he lost in 92 and 93 or even zinedine zidane, after his incident. The sport knows your the greatest even though you may lose the title and have performed what people call a mistake in monaco.
Basically ignore the press who make things up on behalf of people which are just not true to the public and if you want to drive fast still then do it. Your already in the history books as the best no matter what the next two years have in store. You have redefined a racing driver and for the better.
7 September, 14:24; MilesP, UK
I think its cardigan and slippers time matey!
7 September, 14:24; Berndt, Austria
Herst, bitte bleib no a wengal und brenn den Kimi gscheid her!
7 September, 14:23; Joachim, Germany
Michael, please stax
7 September, 14:23; Karsten, Deutschland
Mach weiter, Schumi! Ohne Dich geht es nicht! Strafe alle selbsternannten Experten Lügen, die sagen, Du wärst zu alt...
7 September, 14:23; KAKI, CHINA
8years ago,when I first meet F1,I became a fan of Michael.
Now,Michael stiil my favourate.The only reason that i watch F1is for Michael...
Ilove F1,I love Michael!!!
Please stay,you always the best!!
7 September, 14:23; Eugene, F1 Land
be a man, and fight for this title and for the next one,

Long life for Schumi in F1
7 September, 14:23; Bauer Thomas, Zürich
Lieber Schumi
Du bist und bleibst der einzigartigste und BESTE Formel 1 fahrer der Welt. Ich wünsche dir alles beste dieser Welt und geniesse deine Freiheit ab mit deiner kleinen jungen Familie. Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz Tom
7 September, 14:22; Michael`s Dad, Kerpen - Germany
Michael.. this is your father.. Your mother is waiting to see you, so dont stay away too long.. Come back home soon.

Your father
7 September, 14:22; Glenn, Ireland
From those of us who have grown up with you, from F3 upwards, whatever you decide to do we'll have nothing but the greatest respect for you as a F1 driver and a role model for the sport?
Long may you continue to drive but the final decision will be yours.
You will be missed not just by the petrol heads but also by a younger generation, my son is two Years ten Months old and any time you appear on the television he shouts MICHAEL SCHUMACHER, and if the camera focuses on another driver or group of cars I get bombarded with questions asking where you are.

All I can finish off with is, whatever your decision, the pleasure has been ours.

7 September, 14:22; Antonio O., Venezuela
Why Not ????
7 September, 14:22; Juergen, Australia
Dear Michael, You need to do what you love the most. Age is not the issue, even at 45. You have motivated so many people with by never giving up, What you should do is aim for ten championships and 100 wins and then call it quits. You are gifted, use that gift until in your heart you know the time has come. Just dont be influenced by the jealous hype.
7 September, 14:22; Mike, UK
It will be refreshing to see Michael race for at least one more year along side a very strong team-mate; Alonso or Raikkonen. He's had it all his own way for more than a decade. Most other champs had strong team mates: Villeneuve to Hill, Senna to Prost etc. Show us how good you really are Michael and fight equally with the best, then maybe, you'll get the respect of more than your adoring fan base.
7 September, 14:21; Kevin Duffy, Scotland
Michael, I went to Silverstone in 2005 and was so looking forward to seeing you win the race, unfortunately a slow Ferrari stopped this but your determination and commitment was evedent trhoughout the race. I would really lke you to race in 2007 so I can come to a GP and see you win.

If you do retire what other driver will have your skill, speed and will to win. GP racing needs you and I think you need GP racing... So please carry on into 2007 and beyond.

Cheers, Kev
7 September, 14:21; Christian Radeloff, UK
Well Schumi, seems decision time is upon you ! I do hope you carry on for at least another year but nobody can force you too. I hope though you finish and retire being a world champion for an 8.th time ! Good luck !
7 September, 14:21; Christian, spain
stay one year more and you will have all options with Ferrari and Bridgestone to win the championship in 2007, this year (2006) you can win the title also!!! ..next year Alonso only have a Mc Laren - good chance - and you are 100% better than Raikkonen ....don't fear him. Good Luck and thank you for the 15 fantastic years in F1. thanks.....
7 September, 14:21; Paul, UK
Stay in F1 Micheal because I want to see you race against an equal number 1 driver, Prost had to, Senna had to, Clarke, Hill, Stewart, Fangio all had to beat their own teamate to achieve their world titles. You have always had the hallowed number 1 status, the best of everything and your teamates have at best been average, you've never had an equal in the same car as you! If you are the best driver of all time (which to me is debatable) prove it against Kimi who will have the ability to race you and will be allowed to. Have you really got what it takes to do that?
7 September, 14:21; emily, china
michae don't leave!
we need you ,f1 need you and many people need you !
because of you ,I like f1 .you are the king in f1,and you are the deity in our heart!
i love you!
7 September, 14:21; 舒米最强者, F1
舒米 永远的舒米 雷诺WHO???
7 September, 14:19; george brammah, orkney,scotland
dont leave!! and show that ass in that reno wot a true racer u are!! and u are possibly the best the world will ever see!!
7 September, 14:19; Balin Toth, Hungary
Please stay in F1!
I would like to see you finish behind 3rd place in the championship :)
7 September, 14:18; Tim Reed, uk
you are still the best driver in the world and have plenty of fitness to win many more championships you are the master
7 September, 14:17; James, UK
Michael, Please stay in F1 for one more season. I want to see the man i grew up watching win once more and show the people that you are undoubtedly the best Driver ever to grace F1. The world needs you, F1 needs you. Good luck for the rest of the season.
7 September, 14:17; Aniruddha Phatak, UK

Show them what you are still capable of doing by winning the drivers championship with a huge margin again. We know you are capable of doing it.

If Ferrari will not support you, consider driving for the Mclaren-Mercedez team alongside Fernando. Dream pair of F1 drivers for a Mclaren-Mercedez fan (me).
7 September, 14:17; Nanette, UK
Carry on Michael and show them what we already know, that you are the best F1 ever has seen, the grid will be a poorer place without you next year
7 September, 14:16; Narasimham, India
Michael, You are truly the greatest driver F1 has ever seen. Please dont quit just yet. Your championship days are not over. There is still a lot left in you. I want to see you winning one more championship at least.
7 September, 14:16; DAVID, CANADA
7 September, 14:16; MS, Scuderia Ferrari Headquarters, Maranello

To my many loyal fans worldwide,

OK, I've decided. I'm retiring. No, wait, I'm staying... retiring... staying... ohhhh!!! I can do this, come on... Right. Decision time...

I will carry on! Yes, I'll carry on, win another title and retire in glory! but I might not catch Alonso... and then people will say I stayed too long... I suppose I'd better retire then... but I love to win! Err... right...stay!





7 September, 14:16; Valentino, Greece
Whatever you decide to do in the years to come it has been a privilege and a joy to watch someone make his passion a job, and his job a passion !! In the future others will try to emulate your achievements but it is highly unlikely that even my great-grand children will witness a driver of your caliber...I guess they will just have to watch the dvd's of the greatest F1 driver in history.... Shuey, thanks for all the years you've devoted to the sport !!
7 September, 14:16; kimi raikkonen, finland
Michael, please stay in formula 1 next season so I can whip you on the track and show people how truly great I am.
7 September, 14:15; Rick Ellerman, Australia
Michael. Theres a seat at McLaren available where you and Fernando can have equal no. 1 status and drive perhaps one of the best cars on the grid. Equal status, Equal machinery, Great season. Michael McLaren....??
7 September, 14:15; Agustin, Argentina
You will always be the best.
7 September, 14:15; steve walker, england
michael i would love you to stay in f1 and beat alonso , my seven year old son has watched you since he was two years old and is devastated when you dont win please give us all somthing to smile about and stay ,f1 would not be the same without you . The fia trys to disadvantage you in every way possible but you overcome everything they throw at you. the greatist thing you give me is that my son says when he gets older he wants to be like michael schumacher and that makes me proud
go on michael i know u can do it
7 September, 14:15; Formula, China
no Schumi no Formula
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will right here waiting for you
7 September, 14:15; tschilla, Hungary
nagyon nagyon hiányoznál
7 September, 14:14; Lewis Bate, England
your fans will be outraged if you leave wheather your 8 times champion or not. in my opinion as long as your fit you can continue your dominance
7 September, 14:14; Ashutosh S Karkhanis, INDIA
Dear Micheal
We have watched you since 1994. Please think and tell us of a reason why you should stop. THERE IS NONE.
You are the best out there...............and by a fair distance.
COME MAN AND SHOW THEM (Renault and their boys) what a REAL MAN you are
TITLE# 8, 9,10............and more await you.
7 September, 14:14; phil marr, Scotland
he could still beat these guys at 40! newey design red-bull next year with dc driving, fernando running riot at mclaren, shumacher & raikkonnen at ferrari. 07 could be even better than this year!!
7 September, 14:13; Csilla Simon, Hungary
Michael, es ware so schön, wenn du auch in 2007 in formel 1 ware. Es war so schön, dass wir in Ungarn treffen könnten. Nachstes Jahr möchte ich dich auch hier in Ungarn sehen
7 September, 14:13; Kimi4ever, Hungary
Please stay in F1!
I love you too!
Szeretünk és köszi!:)
7 September, 14:12; Simon, Slovenia
Micahel you are the best! Stay in F1 and in Ferrari with Kimi and bet him!!!! You must be 10 times WORLD CHAMPION with more tha 100 wins and 100 poles, please drive two more years. WE LOVE YOU ! ! !
7 September, 14:11; Ivans Sudalenko, Latvia
Please stay with us to get at list 8th champion title
7 September, 14:11; ppan1937, shanghai
Don't go
7 September, 14:11; James, England
Micheal please stay and finally race against a team mate who everyone considers to be a great driver. You have an unquestionable talent for building a great team around you and using your talents to develop a great car. Now before you retire is the time to prove whether you are also a great racing driver.
7 September, 14:11; Doreen, China
Don't leave,Schumi.
2003 is wonderful for me,because from then on I began to know the sport:F1.
Also in 2003 I made up my mind to be an engineer.
Your perfect performance and spirit has conquered me completely.
You have become a part of my life.
When I heard about the hearsay of your leaving,I was stunned and cried out.
How can I imagine my life without you.
Maybe it will just like a lake without water,which is "dead".
I think people who love you have the same idea as mine.

So don't leave,Michael.
We need you.
7 September, 14:11; Flavio Briatore, Italy
Michael, you have shown this year that you are still the best driver in Formula 1. You could easily win another 2 championships. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but you still hold a special place in my heart.

lots of love,

your little flavy wavy

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