Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 15:47; Ntuthuko Hlongwane, South Africa

You trully r an inspiration to many ppl across the world, you've managed to stay at the top of your game for all these years u're the reason why i watch formula one

I started watching F1 in 1996 when i was 11 years old and i totally fell in love with the red car that was driven by the "wunderkind". I'm crazy about F1 and i support the sport more than the teams but i support you more than the sport itself. Mickey give us one more YEAR at least.
7 September, 15:47; Guido Fluri, Cham, Schweiz
Ist es nicht möglich mit Stil und ohne Schreibfehler Kritik an Michael auszuüben. Leistet doch einmal so etwas !!
7 September, 15:46; Yunru Chen, China
7 September, 15:46; Steffen, Germany
Lieber Michael,

bitte fahr noch weiter, nur der Gedanke, das Du nicht mehr dabei bist, macht mich schon verrückt. Was sollen wir ohne Dich tun?

egal wie Du Dich entscheidest, ich steh dazu,
7 September, 15:46; Mr.Azubi, Germany
ähh, life ! nicht live... mist
Hier, schumi, bleib trotzdem...
7 September, 15:46; olli, germany
auch wenn die entscheidung längst getroffen ist... ich fände es sehr schade, den besten rennfahrer dieses jahrzehnts nicht mehr in rennaction zu sehen!
7 September, 15:46; Yemen, UK
Schumacher receives blow job from beneath comments box shock!
7 September, 15:46; Janesz, Hungary
Hey Michael!

I remember: you won our grand prix in 2001! I always wanted Mika and then Kimi to win races and the championship. But that was the time when i said: that's good, i'm happy to see you winning your 4th! Now i feel the same. I'd like to see you how to jump on the top of the podium! I want to see you on the podium! And I think it' would be early to stop! What happens if you lose in 2006! You will have it in 2007! Just stay with us!
7 September, 15:45; cynthia_shen, china
Bitten Sie Sie nicht zu gehen!! Wir benötigen Sie!!
Dieses ist das I Deutsche, das für Sie studiert, gehofft Ihnen kann sehen!
7 September, 15:45; awallafashagba, UK
NO NO dont listen !! please leave im not a fan of yours .. in fact please leave now ..... GET LOST
7 September, 15:45; Ankit, India
schumi.. please dont go..
the passion will be missing without u.. i wont wach f1 if u're not there
7 September, 15:45; Ute Nagelschmid, Germany
in einem Interview hast Du einmal gesagt: "Neid muß man sich erarbeiten und Mitleid bekommt man geschenkt." Und Du hast viele Neider. Hol Dir den 8.Titel, Du hast Ihn Dir verdient. Du bist und bleibst der "Größte" Formel1-Fahrer. Mach weiter !!! Deine Power reicht noch mindestens 2 Jahre. Danke für die schöne und spannende Formel1-Zeit mit Dir.
7 September, 15:44; MuFFiE, Germany
@NEO: lern erstmal richtig Deutsch bevor du was schreibst. Bei so dummen Fans würd ich auch aufhören :P
7 September, 15:44; ´karl, deutsachland
Schumacher, hau endlich ab !
7 September, 15:44; 刘庆, China
7 September, 15:43; berni, croatia
please dont gooooooooooo....
7 September, 15:43; Janet, England
Michael, as a devoted English fan who has not yet seen you live in a race, please stay on long enough for me to come to a Grand Prix and watch the master at work.
7 September, 15:43; Alberto Redaelli, ITALY
7 September, 15:43; Luca, England
Hi buddy, thanks for what you have given to us during these fantastic 15 years (even though at times I would have slapped you!). You have set a standard that will never be equalled and confirmed the rule that talent alone, no matter how great, is not enough. If I were you (I wish..) I would stay one more year, not least because I believe that in 2007 the Ferrari-Bridgestone combo will wipe the floor. And you can definitely beat "lapdance boy". He is fast but still nothing more than a kid. You know what I mean.
7 September, 15:43; Kris, England
Michael, don't quit just yet, you still have alot of years left :)
7 September, 15:43; Tolwyn, Germany
Mikle, you have to stay for another two in years in Formula 1. With you gone Formula will be much less interesting.
7 September, 15:43; Charly Glamour, Spain
Schumi, we need you. STAY IN F1 until 2010. We need you, we love you!!!!
7 September, 15:42; Miklos, Hungary
I hope this year you will beat the sh..t out of Alonso, hoperfully next year too. Simply cannot imagine watching F1 without you. All things in life have an ending but please don't let it be so soon.Hope I'll meet you next year at the Hungaroring!!! Schumi FOREVER
7 September, 15:42; MuFFiE, Germany
@NEO: lern erstmal richtig Deutsch bevor du was schreibst. Bei so dummen Fans würd ich auch aufhören :P
7 September, 15:42; Jens, Deutschland
Schumi , danke für die 15 jahre tollen Motorsport !
Was haben wir gelitten und gefeiert über die jahre , und wenn das jetzt das ende sein soll dann viel glück im Leben nach dem Motorsport
7 September, 15:42; WJY, CHINA
7 September, 15:42; Beus, Hungary
Please stay. Don't leave us. Please!!!!
We love you forever.
7 September, 15:42; Muffie, Germany
ey, krasser typ du, du machen weiter wrumm wrummm bitte
7 September, 15:42; Liu Qing, China
I wish schumi to stay in Formula1!
7 September, 15:42; Zero., China
PLS Don't go We need you
7 September, 15:42; Albers Fan, Deutschland
Michael, bitte bleib! Ich bin zwar erst 15 aber habe dich schon immer gemocht! Ohne dich wird die Formel 1 langweilg und verliert ihren wahren Champ!
Lass dich nicht von Alonso aufhalten!
viel Glück für deine Zukunft!
Viele Grüsse
Albers Fan
7 September, 15:42; Mr.Azubi, Germany
Stay!!! You are my hero!!! I love you!!! My live will be over if you stop racing!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
7 September, 15:41; Anna Bella, Luxemburg
Gut dass du wech bist !!!!!!
7 September, 15:41; Hussein Zamzamy, K.S.A
C'mon Schumi stay,
leaving Fernando alone with nobody to beat him badly and c'mon your the best there is , ever was,and will be you retiring is the worst thing that will ever happen in F1 dude don't retire you staying in F1 will be a privelage for Raikkonen to learn the way of the ferrari with an ace teacher like you Schumi

Please stay in F1 for everybodies sake Schumi.
7 September, 15:41; The ghost of Graham Hill, England
When you have won the indy 500 and Le Mans 24hours then and only then will you be a truly great driver...come on Michael prove us critics all wrong. Beat Kimi in the same car and then go win the big three.
7 September, 15:41; Bob, USA
You still have fans here too.....honest.....please keep trying
7 September, 15:41; faye chao, china
You don't know you once brought me how much happiness,and I cant imagine the f1 without u.
I love you,sumi,please stay with us.
7 September, 15:40; Dan, UK
I am queer fan
7 September, 15:40; Alfredo, Spain
Michael stay in F1, you are the best driver and you can do the 100 victories in F1 and the 8th driver world champinship with Ferrari in 2007. We need one year more for see the last year of Schumi in F1 because we don´t know if you do this in 2006.
7 September, 15:40; neo, germany
Micheal du must bleiben für deutschland!
7 September, 15:40; M. Ohle, Germany
Bitte bleib uns in der F1 erhalten und schreib weiter Rekorde!!
7 September, 15:40; Doris Drascher, Austria
Hallo Michael!
Es wäre schön, wenn Du noch weiterfährst, aber was immer
Du entscheidest, Du bist und bleibst der Größte in der Formel1!
Ich wünsche DIr alles erdenklich Gute
Liebe Grüße Doris
7 September, 15:40; scott morris, uk
good luck for the rest of 2006, i hope you win the title , you are the last of great drivers left,in f1 .show the young guns how it is done.
please stay in f1 you still have some many records to break,you are the best.
7 September, 15:40; avi, india
do complete atleast 100 gp wins before thinking of ur retirement
7 September, 15:39; Webmaster F1 Saison, Germany
Die Macher von www.formel1saison.de hoffen sehr, dass alle Unrecht haben und Schumi am Sonntag nach dem Rennen alle Unker überrascht und noch 2 Jahre dranhängt. Wir beten dafür!
7 September, 15:39; Mike, England
Please leave Schumacher - just go...
7 September, 15:39; Raimond R6 Racing, Netherlands
It was a beautiful time to see you racing but please stop!
7 September, 15:39; Greg Bassett, United Kingdom
Please do not retire yet! You said yourself you will only retire when the others beat you constently, however that is not happening yet, and I do not see it happening in the next three years!!! As for your so called under hand tactics, I see no problem with it, win at all costs! That is why you have won more than any other, the rest of the field still don;t understand what it takes to be the best! You do!!! Heres to many more years of Schey!!!
7 September, 15:39; Anchorage, Germany
Hi, Michael, I am watching Formula 1 since 1994. (Was seven years old at that time). So you were always there. It would be a great loss if you leave after this season. I can't imagine a world championship without you.
7 September, 15:39; Michael Charlton, United Kingdom

You have proven this season that you still have the passion and drive (no pun intented) to compete with drivers 10 years your junior. There is every possibility that you may be an 8 times World Champion this season. Therefore, whilst you are still competitive at the highest level it would be foolish to potentailly miss out on potetial future World Championships.
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