Showing 50 out of 27,110 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,058
24 June, 10:39; 蒋婷, China
24 June, 00:02; mertcan, turkey
sorry WEED is a mistake. NEED is true.F1 NEEDS YOU WE NEED YOU.. sorry again. it is a terrible mistake.
23 June, 23:55; mertcan, turkey
schumi please come back for your fans for ferrari for formula 1.. you are a legend and you will be a legend forever.. come back and drive for your championship and our championship.. we miss you.. this pitstop is too long for our love... came back and beat montezemolo and mclaren for ours.. you are my heroo and my phenomenon. we will not forget you.. we can'it anyhow.. f1 weeds you we need you. don't forget it
23 June, 23:26; tifosi, turkey
formula 1 i formula 1 yapan nerdeyse sporu baştan yaratan adam olan kariyeri boyunca her rekoru kırıp geçiren bir pilot olarak hep formula 1 le beraber var olacaksın.. formula 1 varoldukça spor varoldukça sen hep olacaksın çunku bu spor seninle oldu... ayrıca emekli olmadığını emekli edildiğinide biliyoruz ve buna ateş püskürüyoruz.. seni bizden mahrum bırakanlar bunun hesabını hiç bir zaman veremeyecekler... hala senin vidyoların var bilgisayarlarımızda ve telefonlarımızda... seni izleyene ne mutlu ama izleyemeyen lerede bizler seni anlatacaz.. noolur bir ferrari koltuğuna geri dön ve bizleri tekrar şampiyonluklara taşı. sen hala reflex olarak formula 1 in en gencisin... schumacher is the best ... schumacher ist weltmeister......... he is champion of all times
23 June, 22:02; tifosi, turkey
schumi is the best f1 driver in the world.. please schumi.. we can't forget your races. for example barcelona 94. you did finish this race only fifth gear.. and you did finish second position in this race.. and brazil 2006 and........ you will not forget forever..
23 June, 17:54; Wan Wai, Malaysia
There are time we change a lot of things, but to change the way we wanted to see you on that red horse... NEVER... You make F1 a history to remember not just because of F1 is a sport but the way you make F1 "RACE". If those guys say that you control the game. Just tell them to be a better driver... If the "Eles..." say that you make F1 no fun, tell him to drive.... in 2008. Hoping that you will step in the red race car again.
23 June, 15:47; ya, China
23 June, 14:45; 蒋婷, 中国
舒米,眷顾我吧,明天当我睁开眼时,希望你 能够给我带来好消息!
23 June, 10:36; liya, Shanghai
when will you come back?
we want to know
we are all disappointed at KIMI
Ferrari needs you,Massa needs you
We need you!!!
23 June, 03:53; 蒋婷, 成都,四川,中国
22 June, 17:15; nick, england
you must be frustrated seeing kimi under perform knowing that if you were driving youd be leading the championship come back and proove to all those who said you were finished that your still the best i miss you loads f1 just isnt the same.
22 June, 15:27; Yoki, China
you're in my heart forever,i'm a 14--year--old girl,Although i'm not old enough,i love you since i watched F1,I think you're a great hero,just do what you want to do,but we all miss ,please return F1,
22 June, 15:11; Yoki, China
Michael ,do you know you're my life? when you leave us,i'm very sad,but it's happy to i can see you at F1 in 2007,
22 June, 11:39; Jiang Ting, China
22 June, 10:59; Schumacher, Malaysia
Oh, and dont try to speak German when youre a Canadian. p/s. Its wonderful to see that there are soo many Malaysian tifosi here. :)
22 June, 10:48; Schumacher, Malaysia
To : U-96, Montreal,Canada

He's not a liar nor a cheat and neither is he a hypocrite. Never! In Adeilade 1994,it did look like he knoked hill deliberately but it was an accident. He had already cried on the podium after deserving a new reord by surpassing senna's win in Italy. And its all over. No use to blab about it now. He has brought entertainment and joy to the sport and his fans. And we will cherish those moments forever.
22 June, 05:54; redwings, china
22 June, 05:22; Jiang Ting, Sichuan, China
Play up,you and me !!!
22 June, 04:51; Eleanor, China

21 June, 15:40; Arthur Costea, Romania
You was how brougth Ferrari on the top.... please do it again!
21 June, 12:36; Mag 琦, China
I werder dich vermisson
21 June, 12:10; yuki, China
21 June, 11:03; ya, China
21 June, 10:55; Yuanqiu li, China
Shumi ,you are leave,but we love you fouever!!!
21 June, 10:33; SAGA, China
Come back in 2008.Schumi!
21 June, 09:49; katrina wang, shanghai, china
michael,look at the sky, is the only thing bigger than you
21 June, 09:47; Liu Lu, China
Without you ,F1 is nothing!
I love you forever!
21 June, 08:56; cinderella, china
21 June, 07:59; ran, 中國
零七年的比賽已沒再關註,但會想起離開跑道 的妳
21 June, 04:52; lexz, china
i miss you !
and love you for ever !
21 June, 03:43; yiyi, China
Michael....my F1
20 June, 23:38; ILKER, TURKEY
please come back
20 June, 22:07; rico, germany
Michael Schumacher stellt sich im Dezember 2007 beim 'Race of Champions' wieder dem Wettbewerb - möglicherweise sogar mit Shooting-Star Lewis Hamilton - das wärs doch, oder?
20 June, 22:01; Leo, Russia
феррари уже не та что была что была при тебе Михаель....... вернись.... с F1 навсегда
20 June, 19:48; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deustchland
Die neuesten Gerüchte, dass du wieder für Ferrari fahren sollst:Kann man die ernst nehmen?NEIN, denn alle deine Fans wissen wie groß dein Wille ist, der dich zu so großen Erfolgen getrieben hat:
Und warum sollst du dir das antun? Du würdest immer noch mehr aus der lahmen Kröte rausholen, doch würde es verdammt schwierig werden mit dem Titel.
Und noch was zu diesen Gerüchten:
Diese Gerüchte sind Teil einer Medienkampagne und Michael ist das Opfer in der Sache. Da wollen ein paar italienische Medien Politik gegen Ferrari machen, kostet es was es wolle. Grundsätzlich gilt:
Niemand sollte irgendjemanden für seine Zwecke missbrauchen. Hier ist es besonders missverständlich, denn Michael hat SEHR oft eine Rückkehr ausgeschloßen.
Meine Grüße an deine Famielie und dich, Michael!!!
20 June, 18:00; Alexander, Germany
Liber Michael,
es wird ja wieder gemutmaßt, dass du ein Comeback als Formel 1 Fahrer gibst. Ich an deiner Stelle würde mir die Entwicklung von Ferrari 2007 anschauen und dann ggf. 2008 ein Comeback geben.
Ich kann nur hoffen, dass es kein Gerücht ist und hoffe, dass wir dich 2008 wieder fahren sehen. Mit dem nötigen Glück und vor allem mit deinem fahrerischen Können, wirst du 2008 locker Weltmeister (so lange der Motor mitspielt).
20 June, 17:53; 钟雯雯, China
Schumi,please come back....we miss you
20 June, 17:50; hero, China
Schumi,we are always waiting for you~~you live in our hearts forever~~~
20 June, 16:54; qq, China
Schumi, you are the best forever!
Schumi, we all really miss you! every day, every minute, every second...
20 June, 16:29; MSC 4EVER, china
you raise me up```

20 June, 15:45; AppleNo1, China
Schumi,you are always the best in my mind.
20 June, 14:52; 唐唐, China Heaven
Schumi,I really begin to miss you.
You are everything.
20 June, 14:09; Jiang Ting, Sichuan,China
你是“前无古人,后无来者”的英雄,没有人 能够超越年你!!!谁也不能!!!
20 June, 09:53; Ivy, Chian
I miss you
20 June, 08:55; jiani, China
Schumi, I miss you so much.
The day without you is dull.
Do you happy now? Do you enjoy your life ?
20 June, 08:35; amber Lu, china
dear schumi,we all miss u
plz come back with ross brown.without u,FI has just 22 taxi drivers....
20 June, 08:08; reinhard0424, china
Michael,i miss you so much......
20 June, 07:56; ya, China
ya miss you...
20 June, 03:03; U-96, Montreal,Canada
Good riddance. You've done enough to ruin the sport I love. You're a liar, a cheat, unprincipled and worst of all, a hypocrite. You dared to complain to Hill, Coulthard and Sato for accidents when you knocked drivers out deliberately. Adleaide 94? Jerez 97? Buenos Aries 98? Montreal 98? Any of those dates ring any bells? And don't you dare cry for beating Senna's record which you didn't deserve. Especially when I see you jumping happily and smiling on the podium on the race where two drivers had died. You were pampered and spoiled, And crumbled every time you had competition. Get out and stay out, Never come back while everyone else tries to rebuild the sport you helped to destroy. Du bist ein asrchloch, Verpiss dich
19 June, 21:00; Ivo, The Netherlands
Danke, Michael!
Please come back in F1. We all miss you!
2008= F2008 + Michael Schumacher + Ross Brawn
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