Showing 50 out of 27,121 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,069
7 September, 16:28;
Helen Williams, England
Please stay! Even if Alonso pips you to the post this year, with the Ferrari Bridgestone combination in 2007 surely you will achieve an 8th world title. Personally, if Kimi is your team mate next year, I can' t wait to see you beat him over and over again.
7 September, 16:28;
Clemens, Austria
Pöease don´t leave F1
7 September, 16:28;
Alexander P, Germany
Mach weiter Michael! Du bist zu jung für den Ruhestand!
7 September, 16:27;
Gena, Rossija
Миша!!! Все команды ждут что ты скажеш НЕТ, но мы то с тобой знаем что ты хочешь остатся!!! Такчто я невижу других вариантов кроме как остатся просто ради своих болельщиков!!!!
7 September, 16:27;
Mike, Russia
Миша, российские болельщики с тобой! Ты лучший, а значит должен остаться и выиграть еще один чемпионат. мы веим в тебя!
7 September, 16:27;
Rossa, Belarus
Schumi! U are the GRATEST CHAMPION!!! U are the GREATEST PILOT in the world!!!... I don't think U can just leave F1... this year... no i don't believe!! U are #1 in F1!!!!
7 September, 16:27;
Marc, South Africa
Michael is a racing genuis. Period. Everyone knows that, even the non believers. Sure, there are those who dislike him and those who idolise him - comes with the territory as with any brilliant sportsman. Michael stirs the emotion of fans and non fans alike, a testament to his brilliance and colourful character. I'd like to see him stay - keep the sport somewhat alive... Besides, I'd miss my Sunday afternoon F1 time, beer in hand, watching Michael, if he left ( I'd lose a lot of interest in the sport ). My five cents worth dudes... P.S. Cool web page
7 September, 16:27;
7 September, 16:26;
Slava, Russia
PLEASE stay at F-1!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:26;
blue alfisti, germany
laß deine treuen fans in der heimat nicht im stich und häng noch mind. ein jahr dran, um deinem (evtl.) neuen teamkollegen aus finnland zu zeigen, wo barthel den most holt...
7 September, 16:26;
7 September, 16:26;
Alex Zanardi, Monaco & Italy
If I can still race after my accident and at my age, you can still do it to. Do it for your fans, I understand you wish to be with your family and that a come- down series from F1 is not an option as it is with myself, there are so many routing for you, please consider, you have achieved so much it would be a shame to stop before you are 40. Alex
7 September, 16:26;
Steve, Luxemburg
Bitte mach weiter und hole dir vor allem den 1. Platz für diese Saison. Du bist spitze
7 September, 16:26;
Eugene, Russia
Stay. And do what you like most of all.
7 September, 16:25;
Pluds, Germany
Und Tschüss!
7 September, 16:25;
Andrei, Belarus
You are the best, but i think that you should win this championship and live F1.
7 September, 16:25;
Black Raven, Russia
Please stay at F-1
7 September, 16:25;
Dmitriy, Ukraine
Michael! Please stay in F1! You are the BEST!
7 September, 16:25;
Guido Fluri, Cham, Schweiz
Richtig Klaus. Das Niveau lässt eindeutig zu wüschen übrig !!
7 September, 16:25;
roger, china
7 September, 16:25;
Steve, Luxemburg
Hallo Michael. Meine Kinder und wären traurig wenn du aufhörst. Schöne grüsse aus Luxemburg
7 September, 16:24;
slayer, Slovenia
michael please stay in f1
7 September, 16:24;
Signor Procione, Russia
Миша, испугался Ктулху? Или боевых человекоподобных роботов?
7 September, 16:24;
Culvert, Russia
Don't leave F1 !! and change a command
7 September, 16:24;
Marco, NL
Stay a little longer!!
7 September, 16:24;
mick, italy
Stay because u are the best, our number 1, and in F1 age doesn't mean u are old but that u are wiser and more skillfull than others. If YOU go away, what should the other drivers do ? Go back to karts ???
7 September, 16:24;
Martin, Germany
Danke für 15 Jahre Motorsport auf höchstem Niveau! Deine Rekorde sind für die Ewigkeit! In den nächsten 50 Jahren wird es keinen besseren geben!
7 September, 16:24;
Patrick, Germany
Michael, fahr weiter, die F1 braucht dich
7 September, 16:24;
Mher, Armenia
Mna, Mixael, mi gna
7 September, 16:24;
George, Ukraine
Please stay! You are tne best!!!
7 September, 16:24;
Artjom, Estonia
PLEASE stay at F-1
7 September, 16:24;
Chris, Germany
You are still the best driver in the world. Stay with us and give us a few more championships!
7 September, 16:24;
Jeroen, NL
Please Stay 1 ore 2 years !!!
7 September, 16:24;
klaus, germany
die billigste und blödeste argumentation ist wohl der vergleich mit adolf - wer hier rausgeschmissen gehört bist du SENNAFAN
7 September, 16:23;
De Jong, Holland
Please stay and give Us 1 ore 2 years off great motorsports And make it at least 8 times championchip!! When you schould stop Than I must say Tankyou fore the great time and wish you alle the best You are a Great drive ( I drive races as a hooby and do undsatnd your Tricks !! I would do the same when I was in your position) You and your family alle the best fore now and the future and give us some fun in F1
7 September, 16:23;
Pavel, Latvia
One word - STAY!!!
7 September, 16:23;
c, D
[img]http://www.pronof1.com/img/ecuries/ferrari.gif[/img] do what you want Michael ....
7 September, 16:22;
Scotty, England
Give up the F1 and stick to curling one out on glass topped coffee tables and other deviant German practices. Or how about another spectator's treat of an event, such as crown green bowls? pointless man, pointless sport
7 September, 16:22;
Guido Fluri, Cham, Schweiz
REDAKTION !! Wir müssen hier aktiv werden. Gewisse halten sich nicht an die Regel !!
7 September, 16:22;
Alessandro, Switzerland
du solltest wenigstens noch bis zum spa gp fahren und den Patrese Rekord noch mitnehmen...!
7 September, 16:22;
gianluigi, Italia
michael ti prego rimani in ferrarisei il mio idolo da quando avevo solo 4 anniguardvo la formula 1 solo grazie a te!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! forza rimani e vinci fino a 10 titoli mondiali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:22;
Gusepo, Italy
Don't leave as, please
7 September, 16:22;
Nath, England
Show them you can do it all again, by which i mean go back to karting, work your way through formula ford, formula 3, GP2, Formula 1, then see out your time in GP Masters, only then will you be considered a true great.
7 September, 16:22;
Gregg Barker, South Africa
STAY!! Simple as that..
7 September, 16:22;
wy, china
don't leave please,my hero,my champion!!!!
7 September, 16:22;
Igor, russia
PLEASE stay at F-1
7 September, 16:22;
christian schmid, switzerland
micheal-please-don't-stay, thank you
7 September, 16:21;
Nat Lockwood, England
The World loves you Michael. I am one of your very true fans. I know one day you will wish to give up racing and spend more time with you family, but pleas,e don't go yet. Please stay 2 more years, this will give you a point where you know when to expect to stop and give your fans a time for it to sink in. I'm sure you will win the 2007 Championship and if not, you will have been so close, that is not when a driver should give up, you have too much left in you. You are not shying away from a drop in performance, you are at the very peak and I love to see you on top of that podium with a big white smile! Please consider continuing for at least a little longer. I have followed you since I was a child and don't feel I can stop watching you race yet. Love you Schumi. Nat x
7 September, 16:21;
Matthias, Germany
Michael, please stay in F1, because you are my idol and you ever will be! Don't leave!!!
7 September, 16:21;
Daniel Prescott, China
I think there are much more reasons for you to stay herePages: First «
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