Showing 50 out of 27,111 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,059
7 September, 16:34;
Marco, Italy
Sei indiscutibilmente ancora il numero 1, ma per dimostrarlo a chi ha il prosciutto negli occhi resta ancora un anno (possibilmente 2) a fianco di Raikkonen (dopo di te il migliore): sono sicuro riuscirai ad essere più veloce del finlandese. E poi che razza di squdra sarebbe con voi due al volante, qualcosa di incredibile, di stellare: fallo per i tifosi ferrari, facci sognare per altri 2 anni.
7 September, 16:34;
Du kannst jetzt nicht aufhören ... und wenn es nicht bei Ferrari geht dann fahr noch eine Saison mit McLaren und zeig den "junge Wilden" wo der Hammer hängt. Falls nicht ... danke für die letzten 15 Jahre ! Du bist und bleibst der Beste !
7 September, 16:34;
Alexander, Russian Federation
Michael, I guess it's time to quit now.
7 September, 16:34;
George, Romania
if this is your last season, i'll take a break from F1 for 2-3 years. GO SHUMI!!! WHO IS ALONSO??? ps: over 10 years, you will have 9 titles...
7 September, 16:33;
Roy, Germany
PLEASE stay at F-1
7 September, 16:33;
Hajdu Peter, Hungary
Please stay! You are and will the greatest
7 September, 16:33;
Klaus, Germany
Betrüger wie du Michael, hätten nie solange in der F1 fahren dürfen. Verschwinde. Alonso zeigt dir jetzt, wie man ein grosser Champion wird !!!
7 September, 16:33;
Valera, Russia
Michael! There's no F1 without you. Stay a little longer and hungred of millions people in this world will be a little more happy :)
7 September, 16:33;
Anabel, D
Nichts gegen Senna. Das war der wahre Champion
7 September, 16:33;
Bob Selby, England
Michael please stay in F1. I do not know you personnally, therfore, my judgement is based purely on following your career Since Benetton. I have to confess having total admiration for only one driver until his untimely death, I refer to of course Aeryton Senna. Following this for me you emerged from the rest to be my new champion. history shows your achievments to have surpassed all other great drivers yet with continued support from Ferrari, I am sure there could be even greater achievements for you in the future. Good luck for this years championship and your continued presence in formula 1.
7 September, 16:33;
Solan, Germany
Bitte Schumi, mach weiter! Du bist noch immer der Beste und kannst es den anderen auch im nächsten Jahr nochmal zeigen!
7 September, 16:33;
Arianna, Italy
Michael ti prego resta!!!!! Sei il numero 1!!!
7 September, 16:33;
7 September, 16:33;
lutz, deutschland
sehr geehrter herr schumacher... es ist noch etwas verfrüht, den ferrari in die ecke zu stellen. zumal sie als deutsches zugpferd in der F1 fungieren und kein adäquater nachfolger in sicht ist. also, verschonen sie uns vor einer langweiligen alonso-ära....!!!
7 September, 16:31;
Franco Di Vittori, Italy
There will be no one like you, Michael. Forever and ever. Stay with us a little bit more.
7 September, 16:31;
Demi, Russia
Michael, never let anybody else bundle you off! You're still fastest and smartest driver, your car control's still the best in the world... and you love racing as nobody else... Please go on man!
7 September, 16:31;
Sergey, Россия
Остаться надо . НО только на один , последний сезон!!!!!
7 September, 16:31;
Patrick, Deutschland
Komm ! Noch zwei Jahre !!! :-)
7 September, 16:31;
James 'ITV' Allen, England
Michael my darling, I just wanted to say that I admire you greatly, as one man to another. In fact, I must come out with it - I am depply in love with you. I dream of you huge, pointed chin and your strangely smooth skin that never grows any stubble. I know I am meant to be impartial but I love you and can't help always favouring you and Ferrari above all other drivers and teams. Martin is always chastising me for fauning over you but I can't help my heart ruling my head. I will always love you whatever you do my prince James
7 September, 16:31;
Alexander, Russia
Michael, Russia love you.
7 September, 16:31;
Günter, Germany
Schumi mach weiter. Sollte es dieses Jahr nicht mit den Titel klappen, dann kannst du ihn ja nächstes Jahr holen. Nächstes Jahr ist Ferrari klar im Vorteil, weil die meisten anderen Teams erst mal mit den Bridgestone klar kommen müßen. Also hast du einen Riesen Vorteil gegenüber Renault. Also hol dir den 8 Titel. Schumi GoGoGo.
7 September, 16:31;
Herman, Germany
Michael, you're the best since 1994!! Every year you we're fighting for the championship except 1996, 1999 and 2005, you won 7 title in 12 years !!! You bring competition man!! You're a real champ
7 September, 16:30;
david, hong kong
F1 is my live ... live won't be great without you !!
7 September, 16:30;
Senna the Best, Germany
Verpiss dich aus der F1 solange dir Alonso nicht völlig den Schneid abkauft, obwohl ein wenig spät ist es schon, du wirst nie die Klasse eines Ayrton Senna erreichen. Geh zurück in deinen Bunker in dem du geboren wurdest du Betrüger. Deine Titel sind das Papier nicht wert. Die F1 wird endlich wieder sauberer. ALONSO IS THE KING.
7 September, 16:30;
George, Russia
Michael! I do not know, that you have solved, but you should remain in races! You already became a legend, but you on former are full of forces and with motivation there are no problems! F1 without you there will be absolutely another. Remain!
7 September, 16:30;
Ruslan, Russia
Michael please stay,without you F1 wil be not interesting anymore. U have to stay for your fans, we want you to continue your carrier and win 10th title)) You can do it because you are the BEST!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:30;
7 September, 16:30;
Duke, Russia
Michael, please stay in Formula 1, you are the greatest!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:30;
Leonid, Russia
Please, do not leave F-1. Without you it will be boring. At least during the next season.
7 September, 16:30;
Maxim, Russia
Будь добр, Не уходи! Доставь нам еще радость :).
7 September, 16:30;
Giorgio, Italia
Please don't quit Michael, one year more...!
7 September, 16:29;
Hans, Germany
Lieber Michael, ich bin froh, dass du endlich den Abgang machst. Du bist zwar ein super Fahrer, aber leider auch der unsportlichste der letzten Jahre. Man hätte dir spätestens 1997, nach dem Rammstoß gegen Jaques, die Lizenz entziehen sollen. Man muß halt auch mal verlieren können. Bei der Aktion in Monaco hast du wieder mal dein wahres Gesicht gezeigt. Wenn es dir nicht gelungen wäre Hill 1994 abzuschießen wäre deine Karriere wahrscheinlich ganz anders verlaufen. Wir werden dich nicht vermissen. P.S.: Mika war immer schneller wie du !
7 September, 16:29;
James Chitty, Silverstone
I can do it too with Kandoo!
7 September, 16:29;
Damon, England
Carry on for another year...... then retire and set up your own team, where you can win for another 15 years...!!!!
7 September, 16:29;
Kingon, South Africa
F1 Will never be the same without you! Let us have a few more years of watching you race.
7 September, 16:29;
stok_man, Belarus
i think Michael should make a dicision himself, without our help. He loves F1 and ot will be very hard to him to say "NO!" to F1, but it will be his choise. I can't say I am a Michael's fan, but if he won't stay, F1 loses its icon...
7 September, 16:29;
Sarvar, Uzbekistan
We love you Mischael ! Please stay in F1. Please !!! I need you. Me f-1 dont interessting with out you!
7 September, 16:29;
Dana, Italy
Difficile spiegare, in poche parole, le emozioni che mi hai regalato in questi 15 anni...Rimani ancora un'anno... Non sono preparata ad un tuo addio...non ci voglio credere...
7 September, 16:28;
venkata, india
7 September, 16:28;
James Chitty, Silverstone
I can do it too with Kandoo!
7 September, 16:28;
Helen Williams, England
Please stay! Even if Alonso pips you to the post this year, with the Ferrari Bridgestone combination in 2007 surely you will achieve an 8th world title. Personally, if Kimi is your team mate next year, I can' t wait to see you beat him over and over again.
7 September, 16:28;
Clemens, Austria
Pöease don´t leave F1
7 September, 16:28;
Alexander P, Germany
Mach weiter Michael! Du bist zu jung für den Ruhestand!
7 September, 16:27;
Gena, Rossija
Миша!!! Все команды ждут что ты скажеш НЕТ, но мы то с тобой знаем что ты хочешь остатся!!! Такчто я невижу других вариантов кроме как остатся просто ради своих болельщиков!!!!
7 September, 16:27;
Mike, Russia
Миша, российские болельщики с тобой! Ты лучший, а значит должен остаться и выиграть еще один чемпионат. мы веим в тебя!
7 September, 16:27;
Rossa, Belarus
Schumi! U are the GRATEST CHAMPION!!! U are the GREATEST PILOT in the world!!!... I don't think U can just leave F1... this year... no i don't believe!! U are #1 in F1!!!!
7 September, 16:27;
Marc, South Africa
Michael is a racing genuis. Period. Everyone knows that, even the non believers. Sure, there are those who dislike him and those who idolise him - comes with the territory as with any brilliant sportsman. Michael stirs the emotion of fans and non fans alike, a testament to his brilliance and colourful character. I'd like to see him stay - keep the sport somewhat alive... Besides, I'd miss my Sunday afternoon F1 time, beer in hand, watching Michael, if he left ( I'd lose a lot of interest in the sport ). My five cents worth dudes... P.S. Cool web page
7 September, 16:27;
7 September, 16:26;
Slava, Russia
PLEASE stay at F-1!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:26;
blue alfisti, germany
laß deine treuen fans in der heimat nicht im stich und häng noch mind. ein jahr dran, um deinem (evtl.) neuen teamkollegen aus finnland zu zeigen, wo barthel den most holt...Pages: First «
< | 496 | 497 | 498 | 499 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 505 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 509 | 510 | 511 | 512 | 513 | 514 | 515 | >
Last »
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