Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
7 September, 16:42; SergeyEx, Russia
Stay with us!
7 September, 16:42; Victor Sudakov, Rossia Moscow
Michael don`t go away!!! ;(
7 September, 16:42; James Chitty, England
I didn't know they race at Silverstone
7 September, 16:42; elio, nederland
7 September, 16:42; Angela Merkel, Bundestag, Germany
Schuhmacher Michael, verlass die F1!
7 September, 16:41; lublub1991, uzbekistan
Michael don't leave! You are the Best and you can get more titles...
7 September, 16:41; Wassim Khatib, Lebanon-Canada
A big Fan since Benneton, Please let us enjoye a few more yearrs of the most brilliant , talented and huminatarian sport person ever lived. If you retire , big thanks for all this years.
7 September, 16:41; Chris, United Kingdom
Micheal - your are the best ever. You have succeeded where others have failed. Your drive and determination have made you a living legend and F1 will forever be endebted to you. You bring passion and determination to F1. Whether you stay, and show the others how it is done, or decide to hang up your helmet, we will always be behind you 100%.
7 September, 16:41; Real Motorsport Fan, UK
Just go. And take your useless brother with you.
7 September, 16:41; Donatos Micaelis, Russia
Michael! Please, stay in F-1!!!!!!!!!! Forza Ferrari!!!!!!
7 September, 16:41; damiano, Italy
Without you, Formula 1 will not be the same thing!!! If you don't drive next years, please remain in Ferrari Team!!!! I know that you are a driver first of all, but this world needs you!!!
7 September, 16:41; MSC, Germany
Du bist immer noch der Schnellste! Du darfst noch nicht aufhören! Jetzt erst recht: hol Dir noch die Titel Nr. 8 (für 1997) , Nr. 9 (für 1998) und den Titel Nr. 10 (für 1999) - erst dann ist Dein Werk vollbracht!
7 September, 16:41; Andrusch1, Deutschland
Michael ! Bitte bleib uns erhalten, mit Kimi oder Valentino ein Team auf zur nächsten WM !!
7 September, 16:41; James Chitty, England
Does Michael Schumacher race in F1 ?
7 September, 16:41; maksf1, Ukraine
Dear Michael! PLEASE STAY!!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:40; Andriy, Ukraine
You surely know what is better for you, Michael. But I hope we can see you in F1 for a year or longer.
7 September, 16:40; Daniele, Italy
MIchel, please, do not leave F1 :D
7 September, 16:40; Evelina, Belarus
Dear, dear Michael! Please, let us, your admirers, see you again in in the races of F-1! Despite all intrigues and political games, please, stay!!!
7 September, 16:40; James Chitty, England
Does Michael race at Silverstone ?
7 September, 16:40; Steffen, Deutschland
Entscheide das Richtige für dich, aber BLEIB
7 September, 16:40; Jürgen Klinsmann, Deutschland
Lass die F1 und du bekommst einen Stammplatz in der Nationalmannschaft; Auswechselverteidiger links außen!
7 September, 16:39; Brian, Austria
Please stay, OK so you are not a true sportsman, you will cheat and use any underhand tactics necessary to win, even if it means endangering the lives of other drivers, who cares! Why let a little thing like sportsmanship and honesty stand in the way of a piece of shiny metal!
7 September, 16:39; Michael Schumacher, Kerpen, Germany
Kimi will beat me so I am leaving I am a coward
7 September, 16:39; franco sartori, italy
7 September, 16:39; Nik, Germany
Please go home, Mr. Schumacher!
7 September, 16:39; Alexey, Ukraine
Michael you the great racer. To you is what to show young pilots. Remain for one year with Kimi in Ferrari.
7 September, 16:39; Gonzalo Campos, United States
Michael haz sido, eres y seras el mejor piloto en los 6 billones de personas que viven en el planeta tierra. QUEDATEEEEEE un año mas, por que la Formula 1 no sera lo mismo sin el grande. Schumi you are the greatest !!!!! The sport is not going to be the same without you. STAYYYYYYY
7 September, 16:39; Sergey, Russian Federation
Михаэль, останься!!! Michael, please stay!!!
7 September, 16:39; Mario, Italy
Come dici nel film cars: I man dét ca si togo ossia mi hanno detto che sei il migliore!!!!!!!!!!! Tu sei e sarai sempre il migliore, per favore non ritirarti fai ancora un'altro anno con la Ferrari!!!! Dimostra a tutti che sei + forte di Raikkonen!!!!!! Ciao
7 September, 16:39; Ludvig, Germany
7 September, 16:37; Nash, Russia da ty bolvan!
7 September, 16:38; Sridhar, India
Hey Schumy, we need you in F1. One more year, one more title and teach the young boys how to race :)
7 September, 16:38; Yannick, France
La F1 sans michael schumacher ne sera plus jamais la même. On prend du plaisir à le voir courrir. Il faut qu'il reste sinon on va s'ennuyer. Forza Ferrari Forza Schumi
7 September, 16:38; Subbota, Russia
Если Шум сядет в последний вагон метро на одной станции, то уже к следующей он все равно приедет первым.... :) Please stay! Forza Schum!
7 September, 16:38; max, russia
Michael, plz, stay in f-1, cause we need u. U are still number one!
7 September, 16:37; Medved, Russia
For God's sake stay in Ferrari 'cos I wanna see Kimi in McLaren!!!
7 September, 16:37; Nithin, India
MIchael hope you dont retire..
7 September, 16:37; spark, Russia
Нада остацца!
7 September, 16:37; michaelia, china
7 September, 16:37; Johnny Ramm, Denmark
I really would like you to stay for at least one more year. Go win the title one more and in the same moment choose a crownprins (of course not Alonso), and teach him how to do it, to take over when the king of F1 stops.
7 September, 16:37; Johan, South-Africa
Please Stay Michael!!!!!!! You are the best.
7 September, 16:37; Nash, Russia
STAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Михаэль, я болею за тебя с твоей первой гонки. Ты для меня всегда был примером во всем. Я радовался твоим победам и переживал твоим неудачам. Я горжусь тобой! Я всегда соглашался со всем, что ты делал, как на трассе, так и вне ее. Но я никогда не соглашусь с твоим уходом. Ты нужен гонкам, ты нужен спорту, ты нужен Ferrari, ты нужен своим болельщикам. Останься, у тебя все еще впереди! Ты еще многого не сделал, на что ты способен. НЕ УХОДИ!!!! ОСТАНЬСЯ!!!! ТЫ НУЖЕН ВСЕМ НАМ!!!!
7 September, 16:37; Jandro, D
Schumi du hattest deine Jahre. Jetzt ist Alonso dran. Du hast gesagt, wenn jüngere kommen die schneller sind als du, dann würdest du Platz machen. Nachdem Alonso dich jetzt mehrmals aussenrum versäbelt hat, solltest du einsehen das du nicht mehr der King bist.
7 September, 16:36; nicola, italy
Micheal non ritirarti! 6 il migliore!!!
7 September, 16:36; Valentine, Russia
Michael, without you F1, will be boring...please stay!!!
7 September, 16:36; christian, austria
you know you're not ready to leave F1
7 September, 16:36; Engelbert, Kazakhstan
Michael you are the best in any case! Remember your opinion that you will race until 2010! In Michael we trust. PS. Sorry for my English.
7 September, 16:35; Mark M, Germany
Hi Michael. Erstmal danke für die schönen Jahre F1. Ich werde Dich vermissen in der F1 aber vieleicht kommst Du ja mal als Teamchef oder so zurück. An die ganzen Spinner die hier nur dreck schreiben sei eins gesagt. An den Michael wird man sich in tausend Jahren noch erinnern an Euch Nasen erinnert sich in ein paar Jahren keine sau mehr. Wenn man so von Neid zerfressen ist wie Ihr sollte man mal über Suizid nachdenken. Michael ist der Beste Fahrer des Universums und wird es immer bleiben weil da keiner mehr hinkommt. Gruß Mark
7 September, 16:35; Alex, Italy
Michael non andare via!!!!!!!hai ancora tanti GP e mondiali da vincere!!!!!dimostra ad ALONSO chi sei!!!Sei il pilota più forte di tutti i tempi!!!!non mollare sul più bello daiiii....sei il mio EROE!!!!!!RESTA!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 16:35; zoli, hungary
7 September, 16:35; Alex, Russia
MIchel, please, do not leave F1. You are driving now, how 10 years ago. Russia together with you!
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