Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
4 July, 07:02; 船慕, China
Have a fine day.
4 July, 07:01; 船慕, China
Will you take some exercise this morning?
4 July, 06:58; 船慕, China
What breakfast will you eat?
4 July, 06:56; Villr SCHUMACHER, China
Good morning,Michael.
3 July, 19:33; MSC 4EVER, china
back to my world```

3 July, 14:09; ENZO, AUSTRALIA
schumi, du mein Held, xoxoxox hahaha Liebe ya
3 July, 14:07; ENZO, AUSTRALIA
hallo kann Michael, Geben kimmi einige Spitzen also er Hamilton schlagen, daß Zicklein ärgerlich ist
3 July, 05:42; 蒋婷, CHINA
2 July, 18:32; JONAS, CHINA
come back plz
2 July, 17:34; Robert, united kingdom
Hey Michael, com on do it again, you would still be starting on the first row. come back man!!! great site this!!!
2 July, 12:21; alptug, turkey
schumi ı love you.. ı had cried lots of times after you retired... there is nothing ı can do now but ı just can say ı love you .... schumi turn your eyes to the sky.. its only thing bigger than you
2 July, 08:03; 蒋婷, CHINA
1 July, 16:52; MSC 4EVER, china



1 July, 16:48; MSC 4EVER, china
Your everylasting happiness is my greatest happiness. I sincerely wish```

1 July, 16:46; MSC 4EVER, china
back to the F1```

REALLY want u back```

if u enjoy ur's the life nowadays```

Your everylasting happiness is my greatest happiness. I sincerely wish.```
1 July, 15:48; molnar.gabor, 38204073
Szia sumi egem katinak hivnak nagy rajongod vagyok
szeretnék tőled kérni egy dedikált zászlot meg egy ferraris posztert dedikálva cimmem . hungary .eger .rakoczi ut 8 10/184 ajto kolmpár katalin szia sumi
1 July, 15:34; Qian Zhong, China
I can't enjoy F1 without you....
I just miss you so much...

with love,
1 July, 07:12; 蒋婷, CHINA
1 July, 06:59; Karim Merchant, India
we need you.
30 June, 22:14; gabyz, romania
come bac k michael
30 June, 18:15; 黄洁仙, CHINA
舒米,I know you maybe have no time to see our messages,but we really want you to come back!
Though my own stength is so little,I believe that our all stength is very great!
舒米,Come back!!!
30 June, 14:47; Mengfan Guo, China
I miss U, My King Schumi~~~~
30 June, 14:46; Lewis, England
Come back, Schumi!
30 June, 12:30; Bharat, India
all indians want you to continue racing and kicking the spaniyard's ass
30 June, 11:36; king arthur, england
a.g philippines this site is for schumi fans your oppinions stink
30 June, 06:36; 蒋婷, CHINA
29 June, 23:32; fatma, turkey
please come back for your fans for ferrari and for f1
29 June, 23:25; mertcan, turkey
you did fantastik in f2004... you can do it again.. please do it in f2008 in real races... pls!!!
29 June, 21:14; Gangs, India
Hi Schumi, we have all seen how great a driver you are, you are the best in the entire sport and we would love to see you take on the young guns and prove that you still are the best in the world of F1.
29 June, 21:07; vladan, serbia
schumi come back pls !!!!!
29 June, 12:56; 船/Ship, CHINA
I'm still waitting for you wherever and ever
and my sorrow is still here whenver and ever
29 June, 12:00; 蒋婷, CHINA
28 June, 21:41; Alex, Moldova
formula 1 without you is not interesting for me!!!!!!!!!
28 June, 12:16; 蒋婷, CHINA
知道哪里有卖舒米的传记的吗?最好有他比赛 的全部光盘。知道的请告诉我,谢谢!
28 June, 03:48; yueming, China
在重新看你的比赛 感受你的冠军
schumi ! miss you
27 June, 22:58; Gabry, Italy
Schumy vai vai vai!!!
27 June, 18:00; cindy, china
27 June, 14:51; Mike, England
Michael dont leave the ferrari for the wind please............
every cell in my heart misses you.....
Ayrton Senna has left us when we all liked him.....dont do so please coz you are the only one can make us forget Senna
but now you quit....we will remember you both and cry deebly..........michael we all love you...i love you more than i do for my life.
27 June, 14:07; stefano, jesolo
Ti prego, sei il mio idolo, la forumla uno non è più uguale senza te...
27 June, 10:53; ag, Philippines
Michael is a C H E A T E R! no matter how you guys filter this word.. He is still a C H E A T E R! LOL!
27 June, 10:52; AG, Philippines
You know What Michael! You're a P E A C E O F S H I T...don't ever come back...
27 June, 05:39; 蒋婷, CHINA
25 June, 19:55; Gino chighini, italy
no shumy no party! one more season in f1
25 June, 18:17; nick, england
f1 needs a driver to kick hamaltons ar** ,and theres only one man capable and it aint alonso ,its you schumi so come back before maclaren make f1 boring because its gettin to the point were me and my mates are turning over to see what else is on because alonso and hamilton are good but not exciting
25 June, 18:09; nick, england
just jump into the f2007 at maranelo put in some blistering laps humiliate rikonen by setting a bench mark he cant get to the fire in your belly will ignite and make you hungry again and tell ferrari to publish your blistering lap times and it will give your fans a glimmer of hope if nothing else
25 June, 17:48; 蒋婷, CHINA
成绩终于出来了,我很失望 。不过,舒米,我会加油的,你也要!
25 June, 11:17; Aycan, Turkiye
shumy please stay in f1 car. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee
24 June, 18:56; smooth, israel
The only thing that can make ferrari's fans happy is to see right man in the car-and the right man is Michael Schumacher
still believe
24 June, 18:40; mertcan, turkey
ferrari can't be without you.. ferrari nedds you we need your drives.......
24 June, 17:28; nick, england
ferrari only signed rikonen because they needed a top driver not noing what youd do. you only stood down because you became close to filepe and you didnt want to take his chance away ,filepe as prooved he his a top driver, rikonen asnt prooved anything except that filipe is quicker ,im sure that if ferrari knew how good filepe was going to be at the time,they wouldnt of signed rikonen and youd probably be leading the championship at this point ,youve still got what it takes to win please return to f1 and make all your fans happy and once again raise ferrari back to the top, we need you, ferrari needs you and f1 needs you
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