Showing 50 out of 27,121 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,069
7 September, 17:22;
Paul, united Kingdom
Whatever you decide to do I am with you all the way. It would be nice to see one more championship win though!! All the best on whatever you decide.
7 September, 17:21;
laura, ireland
please dont leave. formula one willl lose its greatesst driver and there will be no excitement in the races. pretty please?
7 September, 17:21;
mirAge, Belarus
Schumi forever!!!! Go - go - go!!! Belarus ....
7 September, 17:21;
marc, england
stay and get beat by kimi for the 1st time have a proper driver as a team mate someone that wont move over for u
7 September, 17:21;
adriano, roma
Michael, resta!!!
7 September, 17:21;
mahesh mayur, india
hai, michael please u never dream life without racing.keep on racing my hero.i love u a lot--------------------------------mayur
7 September, 17:21;
Вячеслав, Украина
Михаэль, оставайся, ты еще способен побеждать и длказываешь это в нынешнем году, поэтому продолжай в том же духе. Ты нужен Ф-1, а она нужна тебе
7 September, 17:21;
Bernie, Chani
Schumi-World Champions 8 伟大的舒马赫!!!
7 September, 17:21;
joly, belgium
good luck champion
7 September, 17:20;
TommyBoy, Estonia
Schumacher is not the best driver in the world, Ayrton Senna is.
7 September, 17:20;
Lurchi, Germany
Schumi, du bist der beste, nimm Dir eine Auszeit, wenn die Saison 07 startet, wirst Du merken, was fehlt - du bist doch so jung, Mensch nach SO einer Saison kannst Du mir nicht erzählen, das es keinen Spass mehr macht.....
7 September, 17:20;
Миха! Смотрю тебя с самого начала, с первой гонкии восхищаюсь, и болею до сих пор только за тебя! Каждая твоя победа - это неповторимый праздник! Нас таких, как я - много.. очень много! Мы любим тебя, восхищаемся тобой! Хочется видеть тебя ещё и ещё, очень хочется!!! Ты - ЛУЧШИЙ. Делай, как найдёшь нужным, но и о нас - НЕ ЗАБЫВАЙ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! The best regards - for you! Happiness and success! Health and pleasure!:)
7 September, 17:20;
Varga Klara, Hungary
Dear Michael! Schumi please stay in formula 1! Du bist besste pilot in a f1! Ich liebe dich! Ich suchte dir in Hungaryen Grand Prix! Viel küss Michael! Ich liebe! Klara Varga your fan !
7 September, 17:20;
sabbahans, Deutschland
Die 10 kannst du doch noch voll machen.. ;) Falls du aufhörst, hoffe ich, du kannst als Weltmeister abtreten.. You're the best ever!
7 September, 17:20;
Alexander Habbas, Deutschland
Michael, die Formel 1 braucht dich. Und wir dich auch! Fahr weiter!!!
7 September, 17:19;
Victor, Scotland
Michael, stay as long as you want. But stay.
7 September, 17:19;
Feng zhen yu, china
do't go!! we need you
7 September, 17:19;
Devil, Germany
Go away Schumi go you are not the best F1 Driver!!!
7 September, 17:19;
jamie McCabe, uk
pish aff
7 September, 17:18;
mark Townsend, England
Michael, next year alonso will be in a rubbish maclaren, renualt will have no money, so why quit when your only rival will be your number 2!
7 September, 17:18;
David Mathiass, Deutschland
Michael, wenn du gehst, geht die Formel 1 unter. Mein Gott, fahr weiter.go go go go go go go go go go go go go go
7 September, 17:18;
Kiril Lozev, Bulgaria
Hi great Michael! I can't change your decision, but i hope you to stay at least one year more in Formula 1 and Ferrari. And have a luck in the battle with Alonso this weekend on Monza and to the end of the season. We waiting 8 title.
7 September, 17:18;
Julie, England
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo don't go!
7 September, 17:17;
Jorge Cerrigone, Argentina
Hace días hemos perdido a Andre Agassi, tu eres el último de una generación exitosísima de deportistas. Nuestra generación ha sido llamada a sintetizar la conjunción entre tecnología y deporte como nunca otra. La posición estelar de un deportista en la era de la globalización como nunguna otra. Has salido adelante ante muchas y muchas adversidades, siempre fuerte, técnico, preparado, calculador, frío y talentoso. La síntesos perfecta de la complementariedad estratégica que debe tener un deportista de alta competencia. Tienes aún la velocidad para ganar uno o dos años mas y mostrar a las generaciónes venideras que la nuestra no es efimera ni conformista, que estamos fuertes y que preparados seguimos siendo imbatibles. Por todo esto y por tu inconmensurable talento y veolcidad, pido que continúes mostrando de qué estas hecho un año mas. Por ser el último referente actual de toda una generación de grandes deportistas. QUEDATE Y CORRE!!!!
7 September, 17:17;
Lex, Rusiia
Вперед Шума!
7 September, 17:17;
Abraxas, Italia
Grande Duca sei fenomenlae, qualsiasi decisione prenderei, sarà la giusta. resterai comunque nei nostri cuori tifosi e soprattutto nel mondo dello sport motorizzato. tanti auguri per il tuo futuro fenomeno . . . . .
7 September, 17:17;
Oleg, Belarus
Если Шумахер уйдет, то на кого тогда смотреть. Умеют ездить не многие - Алонсо, да может быть Масса поедет. Все на кого возлагались надежды: Райконнен, Батон, Росберг и т.д. - обосрались. Им какую машину не дай, все будет одно и то же.
7 September, 17:16;
Jörg Ziebart, Deutschland(Germany)
Michael mach weiter, wir und die Formel 1 brauchen dich. Lass nicht zu das Alonso oder Raikönen dich in Rente schickt Schick sie in die Frührente!
7 September, 17:15;
Desmo81, Italy
Dear Michael i want to thank you for the last ten years with Ferrari and whatever you'll do i respect your decision but, in case of retire, you must known that you'll stay for ever in my hearth!!! Nobody will be able to do your epic race!!! You was, you are, and you will be the best!!!
7 September, 17:15;
sergey, russia
ты должен победить как минимум в этом чемпионате.А следующий сезон и вовсе для тебя халявный,ведь все команды перейдут на бриджстоун,а бриджстоун и феррари номер один.В любом случае удачи!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 17:15;
continue or stop....anyway......always you will be in our hearts!!! thank you champion W FERRARI
7 September, 17:14;
peter, Russia
schumi, come on, do it once again win a championship in 2007! you're legend, and u can still win races, so do it! ;) PS превед все русским :)
7 September, 17:14;
markus, deutschland
schumi noch nicht heuer ein jahr noch komm ,,, was soll die formel 1 ohne dich werden , einen alonso oder einen raikonnen nein danke ....
7 September, 17:13;
ХУЙ, Лапландия
7 September, 17:13;
Luke Coleman, England
Michael, You are the best driver in the world you have 7 world titles, and nearly every record in the book. You can get to 100 wins for sure but do you want to? All i hope is that if you do stay on you give your all and don't lose any of the amazing skill, do what your heart tells you to do!
7 September, 17:13;
Александр, Ukraine
Михаэль, ты ведь можешь и хочешь гоняться. Возможно, Кими быстрее, Алонсо моложе, но ты ведь ЛУЧШЕ их обоих. Докажи это. Подари эти моменты всем нам. Еще хотя бы годик потерпи. И выигрывай как ты умеешь. Мы всегда с тобой. Без тебя Ф! и спорт, и все мы потеряем очень многое!
7 September, 17:13;
Hans Braun, Costa Rica
Ferrari, die welt und ich brauchen dich noch einige zeit. bitte fahre auch 2007 so weltmeisterlich wie bisher. hans
7 September, 17:12;
brian, ireland
Please stay. You are the greatest and your like will never be seen again. Please give us at least one more year and put Kimi in the sade.
7 September, 17:12;
tibor, romania
kerlek maradj nelkuled a forma1 nem forma1, egy elo legenda vagy, akarhogy is dontesz a legjobb vagy es ezt mindenki tudja a mezonybol csak nem valljak be. STAY
7 September, 17:12;
thomas, deutschland
wurde auch zeit das der schumacher abtritt. mit reicht es auf jeden fall mit schummeleien. eine größe von ayrton senna wird er nie erreichen!!!
7 September, 17:12;
Dennis, Denmark
formula one without schumacher is impossible...The best driver ever... a real champion ! please stay!
7 September, 17:12;
shaf patel, uk
schumacher you are a legand, please give us one more year.
7 September, 17:12;
Melek, Turkey
we are proud of you and you will go on the champion.you are always at heart.Please STAY İN FORMULA 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!Turkish fans love you. we are all with you!!!!!
7 September, 17:12;
Bianka, Hungary
Jeee Franky it's true!!Formula 1 = Michael Schumacher!!Michael please stay in the F1!!!PLEASE!!!!!I belive in you!!!I'm a Kimi fan but I know that you are the best driver in the world!!!
7 September, 17:12;
De'Crass, Раша
Пользуясь случаем, хочу передать привет авто.ру/мото ! :)
7 September, 17:12;
Nicola, Italia
Sei il migliore. Lo sei sempre stato. Anche quando la sorte non ti ha assistito, anche quando altri hanno vinto al posto tuo. Ma hai vinto tanto, e non ancora troppo. RESTA, SCHUMI! Per farci sognare ancora, perchè la favola bella vada avanti, perchè la formula 1, senza di te, non è niente, perchè Alonso, Kimi, Massa, sono nessuno!Pensaci Schumi, e resta ancora con noi!
7 September, 17:11;
Ann, Russia
Michael, we know you are the legend of F1 and the great pilot. But firs of all you are human. If you leave formula1 now you'l show your weakness as an alive man. I belive that you are strong one!!!So, stand up, rise your head and remain to follow your formula1 dream and you scuderia angel !!!! Please, don't forget that formula1 will lose one important thing. And this thing is your star which gives to us, to your fans, the hope that one day you'l tell again: "Oh, guys, we did it!!!!!" Please, remain with us . . .
7 September, 17:11;
Michael, UK
Stay in F1 another yeah Michael, Im coming to the British grang prix next year and want to be able to say to my grandchildren that i saw the most succesfull driver ever. Next year would be a dream to see you race alongside Kimi! Just 1 more year!
7 September, 17:11;
Klaus rubrecht, Belgium
Go for the 100 michael,you still love the race and you are still able to compete at the top.It would be a major loss for F1 and its fans.
7 September, 17:11;
Paul Bradley, Britain
There will only ever be one Michael Schumacher, i may be selfish but i don't want it to be over yet.Pages: First «
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