Showing 50 out of 27,121 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,069
7 September, 17:45;
7 September, 17:45;
When you were a common pilot (rember yellow and green benetton), I was with you. Going in Ferrari, I was with Hakkinen, then Raikkonen , but i have to declare:" YOU are big". Change team but remain to fight true race. You 'll have time to retire yourself.Even if you don't win no races, You 'll be a big pilot for ever.
7 September, 17:45;
joey, china
Michael,we love formula 1 just because you're there.Please stay!!!!
7 September, 17:44;
andruslik, russia
Michael, we need you! Shine on you F1 diamond!
7 September, 17:44;
Markko, Italy
Schumi continua a correre i tifosi sono con te!
7 September, 17:44;
Daniel, Österreich
bleib uns noch lange in der formel 1 erhalkten du als großer held der formel 1
7 September, 17:44;
k. dzaferi, switzerland
schumi, wenn du aufhörst, wirst du unglücklich werden. bleib einfach noch 2 jahre und gewinne deinen 10. titel, mach dich unsterblich bis in aller ewigkeit und werde glücklich. ;) .. so einfach ist das.
7 September, 17:44;
Pantera, Russia
7 September, 17:44;
Jürgen H., Deutschland
7 September, 17:43;
Gilgamesh, UK
retire and commit suicide you square-jawed cheating git
7 September, 17:43;
Tony Stoyanoff, Bulgaria
Michael everyone wants to stay in F1. Your fans in my country will be definitely disappointed if you leave f1. I am never watching you live but if you continue to race one more year it will be my dream- watching you in the race. Good luck in Italy Grand Prix and please thing for yours fans.
7 September, 17:43;
Hammad, Pakistan
Please stay!! 15 years is too little for the greatest ever driver. You are F1!
7 September, 17:43;
Langkinn, Luxemburg
Schumi, nach dem Finale in 1994, dem in 1997, dem diesjährigen Parkmanöver in Monaco und anderen Patzern kannst du ohne schlechtes Gewissen deinen Helm an den Nagel hängen, dich um deine Kinder kümmern, Pferde züchten oder deine Millionen verwalten. In 1999 haben dich die Leute nach 2 GP fast vergessen, also mach's gut und tschüss
7 September, 17:42;
Ivan, VictoryLane
You said that you have got to get beaten by someone young to retire, so? You still have to wait and get this bloody 10th title...
7 September, 17:42;
james, uk
You had a good crack at it but like the loaf left in the bread bin for too long you going a bit moldie
7 September, 17:42;
Mike Hoffmann, Deutschland
Lieber Michael,Du bist der beste und grösste Rennfahrer aller Zeiten für mich und alle die wirklich was vom Motorsport verstehen. Du bist noch nicht zu alt dazu. Überlege es Dir bitte genau ob Du wirklich aufhören möchtest den Du hast nur dieses eine Leben und noch eine Change wirst Du nicht bekommen. Mach weiter solange Du noch an der Spitze mitfahren kannst und willst. Du hast uns immer sehr viel Spass bereitet und wir haben zu Dir gehalten in guten wie auch in an schweren Tagen.
7 September, 17:42;
Ivan Simeonov, Bulgaria
Schumi, I'm sure you know that best of all, but when you think "I'm done, that's it, it's over...", it only means you have done it half way. So don't let such a thought lose and go on. You're still The ONE!
7 September, 17:42;
Mike, Russia
Михаель формула-1 и Вы для меня одно целое.Уйдете вы уйдет и уйдет формула для меня 15 лет я болею за Вас. Я еще не готов закончить делать это :о)))
7 September, 17:41;
Smartdude, Germany
P L E A S E L E A V E F 1 ! ! !O N E S M A L L S T E P F O R Y O U , O N E B I G S T E P F O R T H I S S P O R T ' S F A I R N E S S ! ! !
7 September, 17:41;
Johann, South Africa
Michael, please stay in F1!!! After what happenned this year, and after what happenned in Monaco, you have to show everyone that you are unfazed and still the best. Why quit when you obviously still enjoy the sport so much? F1 will never be the same without Michael Schumacher!!!
7 September, 17:41;
Freddy72, Hungary
Schumi! Mindig is te leszel a Bajnok!! Hajrá! Folytasd nyugutan.
7 September, 17:41;
ZufAx, Russia
Michael, plese stay in f1. You have many Russian fanats, which watch F1 because wait when you win 100 time.I'm don't watching F1 if you go away. In my dreams i see how you win 8 championship and i see tear on my eyes when you go away. Please stay, without you f1 is dull.I'm afraid that your last race can will been last race to me and thousands fanats all over the world. MICHAEL PLEASE STAY, FOR US Best regards, your Russia fanats ps Excuse me, i know english very bad
7 September, 17:41;
Mike, Russia
You are the BETS!Stay with us! Don't brake our hards!
7 September, 17:40;
Alexey Panin, Russia
Michael, please, stay in F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We all needs you.
7 September, 17:40;
Pauls, Latvia
Please Stay!
7 September, 17:40;
konstantin chekhun, ukraine
Михаэль, не уходи!!!
7 September, 17:40;
mitku, Bulgaria
Michael, please stay and get your (and our ;-) ) 10-th title in the next few years :-)
7 September, 17:39;
Svetlin, Bulgaria
Dear Michael,You are the best driver in F1! Please, stay in F1!
7 September, 17:39;
Andrea, Italia
ti prego michael rimani in F1come sarà la tua vita senza? cosa farai durante la tua giornata? ti prego rifletti, rifletti, rifletti mitico schumi!
7 September, 17:39;
Taxidriver, Russia
Миха,останься!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 September, 17:39;
Vlad Aksenov, Russia
Michael. Please stay!2George:"F1 without you there will be absolutely another" exactly
7 September, 17:39;
mince, UK
Duuuuuudeyou gotta stay in F1, at least until Ralf wins his first Driver's Championship!! mince
7 September, 17:39;
michael leslie, canada
Schumi..I have become a fan of F1 because of the admiration for your unique skill and I believe it remains undiminished. It is not yet time to retire...not yet.
7 September, 17:38;
Theo, Germany/KERPEN
Hi Michael.Championship ohne Champion? Wie auch immer,das was du geleistet hast wird für die Ewigkeit sein!!
7 September, 17:38;
Corrina Schumacher, Geneva, Switzerland
I hope you finally retire this year as i have had enough of you being away from your family. Our kids miss their dad and i am lonely here without you, i miss you so much. You are my hero but now it's time for you to hang up your helmet and be here with us 24/7. So come on Michael - you know what you have to do.
7 September, 17:38;
Максим, Россия
Я болею за Вас с 1992 года, боюсь, что после Вашего ухода из формулы 1 я потерю интерес к данному виду спорта.Надеюсь, что Вы останетесь в гонках еще надолго...
7 September, 17:38;
Reni, Hungary
7 September, 17:38;
Vladimir, Russia
Michael, you are the part of my life, part of me, Please, stay with us!
7 September, 17:38;
Dimon, Russia
В фомуле нет больше места жульничеству, уходи и не возвращайся...
7 September, 17:38;
JV, Quebec
Michael, can I be the father of your babies? I am a better singer than you could ever be!
7 September, 17:37;
KD, India
Cmon Michael please spare us the agony of watching kimi and Massa driveKimi and you would be a killer combo
7 September, 17:37;
sandeep, India
Please stay in F-1
7 September, 17:37;
Jack Clifton, England
Schumi dont go. You are by far the most talented driver to race in F1. Your character would be missed a lot and talent dearly missed. Please Stay!!!
7 September, 17:37;
Kost, Russia
Dear Michael,Although I never was your loving fan, I ask you, please to stay. It is a fantastic pleasure to watch you driving! Please, give us one more chance to feel it again!
7 September, 17:37;
Oleh Holubovych, Ukraine
You are #1
7 September, 17:36;
Francesco, USA
Michael per favore non annullare stai ancora con la Ferrari per 2 anni come pilota nessuno ti supera tu sei un campione e lo sarai per sempre e nessuno ti passera, tu sei nel mio cuore per sempre grazie Francesco
7 September, 17:36;
Roland, Germany
Take a break for a year or two, if you feel exhaustet and then come back and show all the youngsters, that you are still the best.
7 September, 17:36;
Ivan Muraov aka MIP, Rssia
Schumi please stay in Formula 1.Please.
7 September, 17:35;
Vitali Jeverdan, Moldova
Михаэль останься ведь ты не сможешь без гонок и без всеж нас и кстати докажи что возраст не помеха для истинного чемпиона
7 September, 17:35;
Evgeniy, Russia
Yuo need us, Michael.Pages: First «
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