Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
7 December, 07:09; Angelika, Kleve
Die Bestzeit ?! Schumi war ja auch auf Slicks unterwegs und hat z.t. für 2009 geprobt. Massa auf Rillenpneus. Ichglaube man sollte das ganze nicht so eng sehen. Ich als 100$ iger Micha-Fan bin weiter davon überzeugt, dass er allen um die Ohren fahren würde. Warten wir mal den heutigen Freitag ab was sich noch so tut.
MFG Angelika vom Ndrh.
6 December, 21:06; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Schade, Michael nur auf Platz 8 :-(. Ich hatte mich schon so sehr auf eine Bestzeit gefreut von ihm gefreut... es hat nicht sollen sein.
6 December, 11:20; Julia Zhang, China
see you again!~
testing day!~
good luck
love you
6 December, 10:42; Кitty, Russia
...As we remember him...
Я всегда буду любить и помнить тебя!
6 December, 10:13; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Heute ists soweit! Michael teste wieder-und das auch gleich Hamilton! Heute wird sich endgültig zeigen, wie gut Lewis wirklich ist! Hofentlich habe ich heute Abend wieder die Möglichkeit, die Testergebnisse auszudrucken und sie mir über den Schreibtisch zu hängen... das wäre wieder die pure Freude!
Viel Glück Michael!
5 December, 05:02; Ivy, China
3 December, 15:24; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Morgen ist es soweit: Michael wird wieder testen, 3 Tage lang! Ich werde mich wieder wie im himmel fühlen, das wird sich wieder so geil anfühlen. Morgen Abend wieder die Testergebnisse nachzugucken und zu sehen, dass Michael der Schnellste war!
Viel Glück und erfolg für die Tests!
3 December, 13:59; Julia Zhang, China
I miss you!~
What are you doing?
Where are you?
Are you happy?
love you
3 December, 06:51; 婷, CHINA
1 December, 21:57; Mark, Germany
Michaels new home in Switzerland http://www.motorsport-total.com/f1/bilder/cat.php?c=07gland
1 December, 09:42; 婷, CHINA
亲爱的,我现在才晓得原来想 办好一件事是这样的困难,哎,赐给我力量吧 !
1 December, 08:57; drago, gulgaria
dont set god bay i love you
1 December, 08:56; drago, bulgaria
i love michael schumacher
1 December, 08:34; Ivy, china
1 December, 06:30; Augustus Yuan, CHINA
30 November, 07:54; 婷, CHINA
还好吗,舒米,我 马上回家喽!
30 November, 01:26; aefqmrbj, hiilxpcq, vmtfghwu
xkaimakw http://uvazyuxx.com rmwqwoyt udagrici
30 November, 01:24; rjysdhfr, fgifsidi, vqbovvib
zdwpdhqc http://yyyomvjx.com qwfqoxmx shwxloui
27 November, 20:26; ?, england
come back michael and race every race like you did in brasil 2006 your decision to retire can be revoked and after youve tested next week im certain youl get offers if you havent all ready, and kick these young guns ar es ,and tell em to catch you if they can
27 November, 20:11; ?, england
please comeback to f1 in 2008 old guy against young guy
and catch me if you can
27 November, 17:03; Daniela Veas, Chile
it's been more than one year without you... and you're still the best.
I realize now, you're not coming back...
But I just wanted to say...I miss you...
You mean the world to me..
Thanks for that.
27 November, 15:06; 婷, CHINA
还好吗,最近很忙,脑袋 都要炸了!!!
27 November, 10:07; RUPERT, RSA
26 November, 11:55; Julia Zhang, China
真的是很开心,看你玩得那么开心,真的真的 很开心!
26 November, 03:09; Dawn, China
26 November, 00:16; austtin ennis, ireland
michael schumacher you have given me so much over the years, im at a loss in so many ways. please consider another year please.
24 November, 16:08; Siubi, CHINA
I'm proud of you Schumi
24 November, 13:21; Svetlana, Russia
YOU are all the best!
You are one of my heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23 November, 21:46; mario, catania
ciao Schumi negli ultimi test hai dimostrato di essere ancora il piu forte nonostante non guidavi una f1 da oltre 1 anno. ci hai fatto sognare,entusiasmare e emozionare ti prego ritorna a guidare forza Ferrari e forza Schumi
23 November, 21:23; tifosi, turkey
why schumi? why did you have to go? we're missng you. you are still best.words are unnecessary now.master please turn backkkkkk. ı know it you never turn back.but am still sayin pls turrnnn backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
23 November, 14:10; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar,NRW,Deutschland
Michael wird schon wieder testen! Vom 4.-6.12.. Ist denn schon wieder Weihnachten?:) Einfach unglaublich, ich freue mich jetzt schon tierisch, wieder in Gedanken mit ihm zu fiebern.
23 November, 13:41; 婷, CHINA
23 November, 07:38; 舒马赫的小熊, China
我在听阿妹的 记得
23 November, 07:37; 舒马赫的小熊, China
22 November, 22:31; Luca, Italy
Sei e sarai sempre il migliore Schumi!!! In questi anni mi hai fatto provare emozioni che non possono essere descritte a parole. Grazie di tutto! ...E buona vita!!! YOU are the BEST!!!!
22 November, 18:48; Gutja, DKish
I'm not ready for this either!
Oh wait..
It's ages ago..
22 November, 14:25; 婷, CHINA
Miss you !
22 November, 08:08; Girish BJ, INDIA
hey dude i miss u a lot.I guess our generation i so lucky to watch some1 race like u.Hope u are feeling bored and i wish u would come back to race again and show every1(Alonso) whos the champ,...
1 more thing i guess ur bro ralf is an ace driver too man.But u do something to get him back in a good car(Not toy car teams)..
20 November, 15:37; sun yue, china
Schumi, you are the best!! I miss you every time watching the match.
19 November, 13:01; Julia Zhang, China
Schumi, are you happy?!
I miss you very much!
19 November, 07:42; 婷, CHINA
18 November, 18:07; juan peter, afganistan
please michael, come back
18 November, 15:04; 琳, China
18 November, 00:21; Biggles, England

The no. 1 place for Michael's fans.
Includes videos and images of Michael's recent return 2 F1 testing.
Help keep the legend alive!
17 November, 14:59; 婷, CHINA
16 November, 21:00; nick, england
a poll is being run today on www.formula one ,if they put you massa and raikonan in identical f2007 s who would be the fastest massa is on 4% raikonan is on 30% and the schumi is on 64%,come on michael give the media the fans and your self what you realy want,race again and win win win
16 November, 20:51; nick, england
well michael what an outstanding performance over the two days testing i think no one expected you to be quite so quick after a year off but you showed them all what the schumi is made of,looking at your face on the pitwall during the season your look said it all i could see you were longing for what you love (competing in an f1 car)and you have gone and said on record you wont come out of retirement but never say never ,why shouldnt you come back and do what you love doing ,you have just proved that you can still compete at an high level your ability and desire will not leave you, so if you want to come back but feel awkward after retireing dont because your fans would love to see you racing again,and as coultard said this week you should not be underestimated and if you came back you would dominate once again.so please come back every body would welcome you with open arms,if you had not retired you would of been world champion now this court case would of been meaning less because you would of been well clear if you take into account kimis c ck ups through the season that would of been title 8,so comeback take three more title make all your records history and retire again in 2010 with ten titles.
16 November, 19:10; HMS, FIN

You are AMAZING!!!!
No one else could've done that after one year's off!!!

Completely genious, extraordinary, brilliant, excellent and magnificent

God, how I miss you!!!!
16 November, 17:43; Svetlana, Russia
You are all the best!
You are one of my heroes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16 November, 13:55; Angelika, Kleve
Hallo Michael Schumacher. Hut ab!!! Du bist und bleibst der Beste. Du fehlst wirklich im Formel 1 Program. Ichhabe Artikel die ich kriegen konnte. Und an Ingrid: Kimi hat in diesem Jahr 2006 ein Ferrari Auto vorgefunden, was 100% besser warals die Gurke,die Schumi 1996 vorfand. Wenn Schumi den Laden bei Ferrari in den Jahren 1996 aufwärts bis zum Jahr 2000 nicht so inSchwung gebracht hätte,dann wären die roten immer noch unten und blasrosa. Ich würde sofort auf Michael setzen.
Und wo waren denn bei den Testfahrten in Barcelona die anderen aktiven Formel 1 Fahrer unterwegs? Nach einem Jahr Pause hat unser Schumi wieder allen gezeigt, wer der Herr im Ring ist und bleibt.

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