Showing 50 out of 27,120 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,068
24 December, 15:56; GGG, A DREAM TEAM
24 December, 13:40; MSC7, China
Michael Schumacher,I love you
24 December, 13:39; LOYALTY, China
Michael,my love is on fire!
24 December, 13:38; MSC7, China
Thank You!!!
Michael Schumacher is back!
24 December, 13:21; Stefan, Germany
I told You about 25.000 posts ago - You can´t be without F1 - i was right. I am so happy, You gave us the best Christmas gift
Merry Xmas for You and Your family and everyone here. CU in Hockenheim...:-)
24 December, 12:46; xianglu liu, China
you are formula one!
24 December, 09:46; Cindy, China
Schumi,Welcom back!I'll support u forever!
24 December, 08:06; Tracy, China
Michael, now I don't know how to express my mood, when I know you come back, I have a little want to cry...Although I never fancy you will come back, this time,this Chritmas, your news is my best gift that I receive. Thank you! I'll always stand behind you and support you like before...
24 December, 06:27; dong, China
welcome come back
24 December, 06:23; breezy, china
Thank you!!!!!thank you back to F1!!!!
24 December, 05:42; Haiky, China
this is best Christmas gift~
Welcome to back Michael
Go for it!!!!
24 December, 05:27; Rinnie, China
just welcom back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 December, 04:08; linkaka, china
wow! so exciting to hear that!!! the best christmas gift~~~
24 December, 01:24; wuziling, China
Let me see.
24 December, 01:18; rico, deutschland
...oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh wie GEIL!!!!
23 December, 23:47; mikey, la la land
he just came in that pic
23 December, 21:51; Vladimir, Ukraine
where countdown to the BAHRAIN GP?
23 December, 21:47; Vladimir, Ukraine
Thank YOU Michael!!!
You WIN, I know this)))
23 December, 18:40; Fox, China
God! I'love you!! Michael Good Luck My king!!;))
23 December, 18:22; Marc STEPHAN, France
Yes!!!!!!!! Our king is back! Thank you Michael! The 8th success is coming!!!!!!!! I am with you forever!
23 December, 17:41; msc gao 高海涛, china 中国
Thank you!!!
Michael Schumacher isback!
23 December, 17:33; mlospeed, Poland
I thank Michael, my dreams came true:)
I was your fan for all 15 years in F 1, I am keeping my fingers crossed in season 2010, Schumi successes!!!
Good Luck ;))
23 December, 16:26; Claudio, Italia
E il più bel regalo che ho ricevuto a Natale... inalmente la formula uno ricomincia ad essere interessante.. non importa con quale scuderia correrai.. importa che tu sia li in pista.. in bocca al lupo.
23 December, 16:00; Frank, China
Welcome to back Michael Love U so so so so so much To win the 8th driver's champion . Support U forever
23 December, 15:51; Francesco, Italy
Un sogno si avvera... e potrò vederti ancora sulle piste di tutto il mondo a lottare per la vittoria e ad emozionarmi come anni fa... grazie michael! e non importa se non è con la ferrari ma il tuo ritorno è la cosa che più speravo per questa formula 1 che aveva perso il suo re! buona fortuna michael!!!!!!
23 December, 15:46; Eve Yao, China,Shanghai
It's the best Christmas present and I'll be proud of you forever!
23 December, 15:45; neo, china
23 December, 15:44; tsai, China
schumi~always love u and support u forever~
our king~ our schumi~
23 December, 14:43; wayne, australia
Schumi, see you next year in Melbourne
23 December, 14:38; Monica, Canada
What a Christmas present! Even for those who are not your fans, your return will make 2010 an incredibly interesting year for Formula 1! And this year I WILL see you drive !
23 December, 14:36; Gary Lau, China
Michael Schumacher,I love you
23 December, 14:16; JUDY, china
Thank you!!!!Thank you very much!!!!1
23 December, 14:10; ryuichisome, china
啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!舒米大人回归~~撒 花~~男神归来~~~~~!!!!!!
23 December, 13:48; Rachel, China
I never feel soooooo amazing before.
ur comeback is like a dream but real.

I cnt imagine how I feel if u said no to Benz,
But I know u will never let us down.

We stay here all the time and told u how much we love u,how much we miss,how much we need u.
We cnt stop that retirement wt happened 3 years ago.
But our waiting insisted today make us c u agian.
One more year.
More excitement,more expectation,more story,more touching,more u.
23 December, 13:29; tiantian, china
i think i am not a member of tifosi
but i still feel some pity
besides i am thanksful for your returning
23 December, 13:20; Andox, China
Thank for your coming back.
Besides this,I don't know what else I can say.

For me,just like a dream.I don't want to wake up forever!
23 December, 12:40; dy, China
23 December, 12:30; Dawn, China
thank you.
23 December, 12:21; qiulina, china
23 December, 12:06; Daniel Zerres, Kalkar, NRW, Deutschland
WAHNSINN!!!!!!!!!!!! ICH WER NARRISCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Das beste Heiligabend findet schon am 23.12. statt =) Der pure Wahnsinn!!!! Ich kann es noch garnicht fassen; ich kann meine Gefühle nicht ausdrücken. Außer:

Gib den Buttons, Hamiltons und Alonsos dieser Welt mächtig Feuer unterm Hintern, Michael!!!!!
23 December, 09:24; An.Dre, Moldova
THANK YOU, MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU..... (now words)...
23 December, 06:22; long, china
haha,you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!you are back!!!!!!!I have waited 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!you are back!!!!!!!!!!
23 December, 05:36; 缥缈雪, china
thank you thank you
22 December, 13:10; 褚禹, China
Michael,I'll always love you ~
22 December, 07:11; MSC 4EVER, China
this love is unbreakable
21 December, 15:31; Sherry, China
Michael,I always known that the competition bug still bites you hard,I am waiting your comeback!
21 December, 13:26; Sabeer, Osman
Dear Schumi, Without you F1 is dark, Please come back. Love to see u driving again
20 December, 19:08; MSC 4EVER, GERMAN
Don't 4 Mercedes-Benz!!!!!!!

Michael. I want tou , want you back

but I unacceptable a silver's you

I want to see you again in track just like top pic!!!
20 December, 03:58; MSC7, China
I love you more than you can ever konw.
The 2010 F1 World Championship:M.S.
20 December, 03:58; MSC7, China
Ilove you more than you can ever konw.
The 2010 F1 World Championship:M.S.
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