Showing 50 out of 27,111 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,059
27 December, 14:54; fish, china
Thank you!!!
Welcome back Schumi~
27 December, 13:50; Angelika, Cleve/Germany
Hallo Schumi, Hallo Fans!
Ich bin seit 1992 Michael Schumacher Fan. 14 Jahre lang war er mit Ferrari "verheiratet". Nie hätte ich gedacht, dass er die Scuderia mal verläßt. Nun zu Mercedes. Ich kann den Gedanken nicht losbekommen, dass etwas vorgefallen ist zwischen unserem Schumi und Ferrari. Sonst wäre er bestimmt nicht zu Mercedes gegangen, er sagt zwar die Anfangszeiten seines Renfahrerlebens lagen bei Mercedes, aber ich weis nicht so recht. Ich bin mit Leib und Seele Schumi Fan und bei mir ist immer der Schumi-Virus da. Aber ich habe auch Zweifel und Gedanken, nicht das er es nicht schaffen wird. Aber ich glaube erst daran, wenn er im März im Formel 1 Auto sitzt.
Nun ersteinmal alles Gute und Glück für 2010 an alle Fans und dem Michael Gesundheit und eine gute Zukunft mit seiner Familie und dem neuen Rennteam. Liebe Grüße aus Cleve/Ndrh. von Schumi-Ewig-Fan Angelika
27 December, 13:46; CacheWang, China
Thank you,Schumi!
27 December, 13:45; CacheWang, China
Thank you,Schumi!
27 December, 12:56; 飒飒, china
what a fantastic ending of the tough year! thank you michael, your coming back means everything ! no point taking other things into consideration!
27 December, 12:25; Michaelia, China
thanx Schumi, we will love you and stand by you all the time!
27 December, 12:20; sylvia, china
Michael well come back!!!!
27 December, 11:27; Yuki Liu, China
Reallly thank u for coming back!!!
We love u。。。
27 December, 11:18; zhang xiaoxiao, China
Michael, thank you for your coming back. I have no more words to say. you are the only king of F1.
27 December, 10:58; 刘威, china
welcome back,Michael Schumacher
27 December, 10:56; Lavinia, CHINA
Das ist ein Traum,dass du wieder Formel 1 zurückkehrst!Lassen wir in Shanghai treffen!ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ
27 December, 10:00; 蕊, china
miss u soooooooo much,welcome back&i'm coming back to you
27 December, 09:22; Elaine_Xu, China
welcome back,Schumi
27 December, 09:08; 毛威, China
Thank you ,hope you can achieve your dream!
27 December, 08:58; Evangeline, USA
My dear Schumi, I hope you can enjoy next year!

I'll try to see you on the track again...

You're always in my heart. Love U, always & forever...
27 December, 06:57; amber, China
Thanks for your return.
3 years, you give so much to me.
I really don't know how to return.
Respect, support and love——all I can give you.
27 December, 06:04; MSC7, China
Michael is champion all the time!
27 December, 05:54; cinderella9, China
My love ,come back,thank you,MICHAEL SCHUMACHER!
27 December, 05:16; Suihechunzi, China
Welcome back Michael!!!!!!
I'll support you as always no matter which team you work for~~
Love you~~~
27 December, 05:12; Eleanor, china
grateful to have you back...missing you so much
27 December, 02:43; sampson, china
I hope you will be success again
27 December, 01:20; Jack Zhang, Australia
Welcome back Michael, looking forward to enjoy watching F1 again.
26 December, 15:46; Michaelia, China
Miss you so much~~~welcome back!
and i will be back to F1,too~~
come on!Schumi!
26 December, 11:33; Che, China
Thank you, Schumi.
I know it sounds tidious but I really have to say this which I've said countless times. Be safe, be healthy and be happy.
Happy New Year!!
26 December, 11:08; Schip, China
My dearest please don't pay much attention to the Ferrari fans' complaints and some malicious word...

I wanna tell you that the ones who really love you will just follow you whenever and wherever...

I wanna see you happy...please be happy...
26 December, 09:47; Felicia, China
It's the best chrismas present for us.
26 December, 09:27; Jeanky, China
Welcome back.
26 December, 07:11; 莹, China
Welcome back.support you forever
26 December, 01:34; Mudzis, Latvia
How could you dare to leave Ferrari?
25 December, 15:47; Stella, China
Nothing gonna be too bad cuz I have u back.I love u schumi~
25 December, 11:42; 穆赫, China
Thank you!
25 December, 11:37; SimpleLove, China
Thank you for what ou do,after the long,boring,three years.
I just want to cry,to smile,and to yell,no matter in red or silevery.
Thank you,my dear Michael,for giving me the biggest gifts in Christmas of this year,so I can feel much warmth when standing in the clod winter,hold the courage to walk down all my way.
25 December, 10:03; 张蕊, CHINA
You are the king.Just stay.We will always stand by your side.
25 December, 09:49; 韵, China
Such a big present! May the happiness be wiyh you!
25 December, 06:34; haiky, China
Merry X'mas !!!!!!!!!
wating for you coming to China again!!!!
25 December, 05:53; 妖怪, China
Welcome back!I can't to wait to see you on the track again!
25 December, 05:32; Schiplove, China
Frohe Weihnachten dir und deiner ganzen Familie!~

Thanks for the biggest Christmas gift that you gave us.
25 December, 05:22; Cynthia Ding, China
welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!
24 December, 22:48; Sandra, UK
Its great to have you back in F1 Schumi
...its where you belong!
24 December, 16:46; Schiplove, China
Thank you.

I love you.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
24 December, 16:37; kirk, china
that's a fantastic day!
24 December, 15:56; GGG, A DREAM TEAM
24 December, 13:40; MSC7, China
Michael Schumacher,I love you
24 December, 13:39; LOYALTY, China
Michael,my love is on fire!
24 December, 13:38; MSC7, China
Thank You!!!
Michael Schumacher is back!
24 December, 13:21; Stefan, Germany
I told You about 25.000 posts ago - You can´t be without F1 - i was right. I am so happy, You gave us the best Christmas gift
Merry Xmas for You and Your family and everyone here. CU in Hockenheim...:-)
24 December, 12:46; xianglu liu, China
you are formula one!
24 December, 09:46; Cindy, China
Schumi,Welcom back!I'll support u forever!
24 December, 08:06; Tracy, China
Michael, now I don't know how to express my mood, when I know you come back, I have a little want to cry...Although I never fancy you will come back, this time,this Chritmas, your news is my best gift that I receive. Thank you! I'll always stand behind you and support you like before...
24 December, 06:27; dong, China
welcome come back
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