Showing 50 out of 27,112 messages
New messages, since 14:00, July 25 2009: 1,060
27 September, 11:52; MSC 4ever, 成都
hi Marco
we still here
29 July, 04:26; Marco, Germany
You are still in my mind
16 July, 03:50; Marco, Germany
3 January, 23:37; Milly Sunshine, Italy
I recall this website from 2006 and at some point I wrote some messages years ago.
So I come back just to say happy birthday.
19 April, 03:44; Marco, Germany
Hope you come back soon
28 March, 03:57; Alessandro, Italia
Tu sei il nostro vero campione
25 March, 20:17; Marco, Germany
Still in our heart
9 January, 16:04; Raina, HK
Miss u
25 October, 08:26; Milly Sunshine, Italy
Somehow I still miss you.
12 December, 22:30; Alessandro, Italia
Nessuno ti batterà mai in formula 1
27 June, 06:29; Alessandro, Italia
Ci manchi tanto Michael!
11 July, 04:43; Marco, Germany
Hope we will see you again...if only one time
4 January, 02:41; Nicola, Italia
Buon compleanno Michael.........
3 January, 11:31; Ziying Li, China
happy birthday to you and we all love you forever!
3 January, 09:01; Kay, China
3 January, 05:36; ALX, MD
24 April, 09:24; MSC4EVER, CHINA
3 January, 22:28; Stefan, Germany
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag - Du schaffst das
28 December, 06:03; Marco, Germamy
2 September, 21:00; sirius, China
miss you
26 August, 21:33; lynx, China
虽然记录被平了,但是还是叔你的记录啊,继 续加油好起来!
keep fighting!
10 August, 01:55; kay, 中国
8 June, 10:52; Msc4ever, China
9 March, 19:27; Marco, Germany
Hoffe dich bald wieder zu sehen!
3 January, 19:36; Stefan, Germany
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, wir hoffen alle weiterhin auf das Wunder, sind um jede noch so kleine positive Meldung dankbar - kämpf weiter
26 December, 15:24; 奈奈米豆, china
谢天谢地2016年总算被我熬过去了 修玛哈先森你生日又快到了耶#getwellsoonMichael
26 December, 15:03; arise_and_go, China
miss u .keep fighting Michael !
13 November, 18:28; Lynx, China
不离不弃,一直等你。keep fighting Michael!
6 June, 02:55; Marco, Germany
My thoughts are still with you
2 June, 14:09; JC, China
Please! May God bless !!!!!That\'s a so long time, I just want to stop waiting and see you recover.........
30 April, 17:00; M.Y., CHINA
keep fighting Michael. 突然好想你
26 April, 15:49; Marco, Germany
Keep on fighting Michael. I still believe you will get well soon!
NEVER give up man!
15 April, 20:36; dy, china
27 January, 17:52; Marco, Germany
Still in my thoughts! You are the only Legend alive
4 January, 11:54; Murphy, china
get well soon, legend !
4 January, 04:21; Vladimir, Ukraine
Happy Birthday Michael!!! Keep fight and come back to your family, friends and of course your fans
3 January, 15:29; taoxin chen, china
生日快乐!舒米,很小就喜欢看你的比赛,一 直支持你。到后来去上海看你的比赛,亲眼看 到你真的很激动。已经很久没有你的消息了, 希望你早日康复,希望你一家平安,记得来中 国。
3 January, 15:09; Haiky, China
Happy Birthday to Michael !!!!!!! Hope you get well soon and come back to us Miss u ... really do Never lose hope and dont give up fighting !!! Love you forever !
16 November, 23:38; Marco, Germany
Hoffe, dass es dir besser geht. Gut, dass du deine Genesung in Ruhe in deime Zuhause vollbringen kannst. Werde bald wieder gesund..ich glaube noch daran! Es geht immer weiter!!
25 September, 13:52; Flora, China
miss u
get will soon
waiting for u
21 July, 21:27; Haiky, China
get wll soon
be with you we r waitting for U in there !
3 May, 18:56; Marco, Germany
Die besten Wünsche für dich! Hoffe deine Genesung schreitet voran!
23 February, 01:49; Marco, Germany
Ich hoffe, dass wir bald wieder etwas von die sehen! Die besten Wünsche an dich!
13 November, 03:08; Nicola, Italy
8 November, 18:53; 杨昊一, CHINA
28 October, 18:13; 韦希罕, 中国广西十万大山
25 August, 21:26; Haiky, China
Guten Besserung
2 July, 04:40; Louis, You've really captured all the eslinteass in this subject area, haven't you?
You've really captured all the eslinteass in this subject area, haven't you?
17 June, 01:11; 吴元珏, 上海
终于等到你醒来还好我没放弃!welcome back! stay with us please!
16 June, 18:18; Kay, China
我就知道!我就知道你会醒的!!谢谢!这一 天终于来了!我爱你!!舒米加油!!!!! !
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